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Crackling fish fuse


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I am using 3" mortars. Would ball shells or cylinder shells be best for crackling /strobe fuse display?

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Never used effect fuse in shells that big before, it would sure take a lot of it for a 3"!


But if you have boatloads of it to burn, I would gang cut and prime the ends for a can shell.


Skylighter has a good tutorial on the details for smaller shells, maybe you could upsize that.

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Hey Merlin... I tried a bunch of different 'effect' fuses that I bought from cannonfuse. I tried them all in 3" ball shells. I tried strobing fuse, flying fish fuse, falling leaves fuse, and a couple others. None of them were very good in a 3" shell. It was actually hard to see most of them at all. I think that these effect fuses would be better suited in maybe 1.75" shells, or starmines. FWIW.

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I agree with braddsn. Those fuses work nice im small items which are viewed up close, but the effects are quickly lost at a distance. I like to use a small bundle of fish fuse as a header for bottle rockets.
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