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why is the reaction between magnesium and sulfur o


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hi dudes



I have made 2.0g of magnesium/sulfur flashpowder, i lit it in the open,

and there was a small pop, but that didn´t look for me that this FP is so powerful.....


Then i did a little (Confinement) test: I take a little tube(4mm thick and 5cm in length,16,0mm ID), in

the bottom of the tube did I press a piece of a toiletpaper, then I poured the Flashpowder inside

the tube, and one end was open, in the open top of the tube,i put a fuse. I lit the fuse and step away, there was a very loud report, and the tube was totally destroyed.

i found 5 pieces of it( 5mm)


So the Question: Why is the reaction between sulfur and magnesium so awesome???

Because there was not really confinement


I was wondering because Sulfur and magnesium are both fuels and no oxidizier is present.




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If I'm right the S oxidises the Mg to MgS rapdly! Oxidation defined by the losing of electrons.





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I was wondering because Sulfur and magnesium are both fuels and no oxidizier is present.


Oxidation does not mean oxygen has to be involved.

Oxidation is a process where an oxidizer gives electrons to the

reducer---the fuel.


Sulfur is the oxidizer.


Mg + S --> MgS


The magnesium is oxidized by the sulfur, the

sulfur is reduced (gains electrons.)



So the Question: Why is the reaction between sulfur and magnesium so awesome???

Because there was not really confinement



It doesn't take much confinement, your tube was more than sufficient. When confined, the hot gasses have no where to go, which encourages an even faster reaction with the remaining flash powder, which creates an extremely rapid pressure increase. This all happens in a handful of milliseconds.


A paper towel or tissue if folded over a gram or two of flash will be all the confinement needed to produce a report

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Magnesium is really reactive, and wants to go into a more stable form. MgS. I have reacted many metals with sulfur. It is fun. usually lots of heat, and sparks. I use Al/S to light thermites.
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hi dudes,

after or while the reaction the Mg and the S are reacting just to solid products, is that another reason for the power of this Flashpowder.


I would compare it to KCLO4/Al a little bit, because the tube was very thick.





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