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Bent Spindles


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Was wondering what techniques people are using to straighten rocket tooling spindles when they get out of alignment?

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Um... Turn it down, or turn a new one, is my options. Getting it straight again is nothing short of a nightmare.


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Placing a bent spindle on a flat surface and rotating it until the bent spindle is upright and use a soft faced mallet or hammer to lightly tap the spindle to realign the taper is the best method I have found so far. Now that I have a metal lathe I am working on another option.

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To get it really straight again, you have to bend it slightly more then "to straight" since it flexes back. And once your done, the spindle is now softer then it was from the start.

Especially if you got your own lathe, turning new spindles is quite easy.


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Use two aluminum plates to fit the spindle between and apply pressure, turn 90 degrees and press again, turn press, repeat. Chuck it up in the lathe and check straightness.

It creates grooves in the plates over time making nice alignment lines.


No need to over bend, repeated pressings will accomplish the same result.


Kids the face of the spindle with a sharptool and shave the high spots off. use a file to smooth the length, sand and polish.

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So far i just have cut down the spindles i bent and used tor whistle or etched them down for a stinger tool.
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