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Some more boosting vids (3")


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Here are 2 shells I fired tonight, the first is a 3" turquoise (Jopetes formula) boosted hard, and it was a success! MCRH dusted with 3% slow flash, and 3g of 70/30 added as well. The second shell is an N1 Glitter shell with 3% slow flash dusted onto the MCRH. I like the glitter shell having a softer break, and the solid color shells to break hard. :) Here you can compare the difference in the punch that the breaks have.


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Why boost with slow and reg flash? I'm not trying to be funny It's a honest question. Also what size are your N1 stars? They burn fast. Shell 2 is N1 1/4" stars. They seem to burn much longer.


Edited by Floridapyro
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The break looked about as big as it could be on the first one without getting too sparse. I do agree with Floridapyro that your glitter seems fast, at least compared to some other videos. Floridapyro, what mesh size aluminum did you use?

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Floridapyro: I shoot 3's, 4's, 5's, and 6's, and although my burst does well, I wanted just a touch more thump across the board (all shell sizes) so I took all of my burst, about 8 lbs, and dusted the whole amount with 3% slow flash. Now in my opinion, the little 3's should break hard ,fast, and somewhat small (in comparison with a 4). IF 3's were all I shot, I would bump the star size up 2 or 3mm and they would break HUGE. But, since I will have 4 sizes in my display, I want there to be a contrast. I envision quick, bright, and somewhat small (in comparison) breaks for the 3's, so I am using the 3g of 70/30 in them. For the 4's, I imagine a much bigger break, and probably no 70/30.. or if so, only in a few. For the 5's, huge break and somewhat softer, and the 6's, super-planet-sized breaks. :) I will shoot some 8's as well. As for my N-1, camera doesn't do it justice but its right where I want it. I imagine my stars might be a tad small for some people's taste, but again, that's by design. In person, the N1 was beautiful.. I can't say I would change a thing with it. But again, a lot of this is personal preference. As far as hang time goes, I have some slow gold stars that hang forever after the shell breaks, but I am saving those for bigger shells. They tend to start fires if they are not way up in the sky. lol.

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LOL yeah Wiley, I started calling it "Lawsuit Gold" after the first shell I shot with that comp. Was starting fires all over my property. HAHA! Good thing I have an ATV and a fire extinguisher!

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Certainly makes sense. I know the stars I made came real close to the ground.

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Floridapyro, very nice N1 indeed.

What is the comp of the purple stars of the 3d shell in your video ?


Nice theory on the break size for your show btw braddsn.

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The first shell's break was hard and perfect for me. Visible in the video, that the starting speed of stars was much larger, and the full break was snappy. Typically hot flash boosted break.
If you have been used slower stars (nitrate red or green, purple, blue with cuo), the the break have been much larger. The spanish turquoise is also fast star.

The N1 was really too fast for me, the composition was milled without aluminium?

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Thanks Nt8, I believe I have my boosting where it needs to be. I was happy with that first shell. I like the snappy breaks for 3 and 4 inch shells. :)

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