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What to use for (cheap) case formers


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Anyone have suggestions of what they use for case formers, especially 3", 4", and 6"? I am on a tight budget and would love to order them from mikeee or bangkokpyro, but alas that will have to wait. PVC or ABS pipe? Cardboard tubes? I have been searching the internet, but thought I'd see what you might suggest. Thanks!

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We've all been through the frugal stage. There is nothing to be ashamed of. There are actually all sorts of household items that make suitable formers. In many cases, the next nominal size down PVC or HDPE pipe will work. Being able to use mortars you might already have (HDPE, and not PVC I hope), is quite convenient. This works for 4, 5, and 6" shells for certain. 3" HDPE mortars are 3.5" OD, and are formers for 4" shells, and so on. The same might be true of true 2" HDPE for use on 3" shells, but I don't own any.


12oz soda cans make great formers for 3" shells. They're a touch oversized (2.55"), but work well. I used to use a contact lens solution bottle which I filled with sand as a former for a long time. Having something heavy and solid helps to roll shell casings nicely. If you keep your eyes open, you'll be able to find something. A tad undersized is better than oversized. It's always possible to build up the diameter somewhat with paper and chipboard.

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Put on your Pyro glasses when you visit the Dollar Store, Big Box Store, and Grocery Store every item you see

on the shelf imagine what you might use it for when making Pyro items.

You will be surprised what you will find and items you can re-purpose for making Pyro.

Empty plastic bottles work nice for lampare shells.

Empty Coffee cans make good containers for chemicals and comps.

Cereal and Cracker Boxes make good end plugs and discs.

Easter Eggs make nice little headers for rockets and small shells.

The list is endless.

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All types of can and bottles are a good starting point.

For 3" ikea sells a perfect sized rolling pin.

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For 3" shells I use a piece of 2" Sch40 PVC pipe with 2 wraps of ramboard on it. For 4" shells a piece of 3" Sch40 pipe is perfectly sized. For 5" shells, a piece of 4" Sch80 pipe works well.



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I used to use 4inch glass jars as my formers, a bit PITA, but that was only thing I found that size :D

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Finished another 8" wood ball to make hemi shell casings on a WASP. You could also paste these by hand if you had the time.




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I looked in my garage for stuff that would be usable and so this spray. Paint looking can and took my calipers and it measure out to be a little under 2.5" but it works great for 3". I would just pawn sum shit and get sum formers from mikeee lol
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Look out bean tins, cola cans eat the food get a free shell former. If something is a little small then find some gaffer or pvc tape or even some card..


At least half of pyro is done with something repurposed from another hobby or industry.

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