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Fuse too big for nozzle hole


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I just got my fuse in today and its bigger than the fuse i have had in the past i guess its 3mm and im use to 2mm anyway i cant get the fuse in my nozzle of my 1/2" engines does anyone have any idea's how i can make this 3mm fuse work as i dont have access to any smaller fuse at the moment ? i could drill out the hole that the tooling made to make it bigger but then im sure i wont have as much thrust and rocket wont go as high. could i fill hole with loose bp and maybe use some sorta glue to hold it there then just attach the 3mm fuse to bottom of the engine and then the bp thats glued in place could light the rocket would that work ? anyone had similar issues ?

thanks guys

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Cut the fuse at an angle with a razorblade? (I mean, like a long diagonal cut.) It's not going to be as reliable as bending a hook, and installing it, but should let you get the fuse in there. If it gets stuck in the hole, that should be enough to hold it in place until it's time for ignition. Main problem with this would be that your just going to get one short fast flash of fire. It should ignite the engine, but...


The "right" solution is, as you already figured, to get the right fuse.


Edited by MrB
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Make some quick match, nose it with quick match and paper. then put your slow fuse into that.

Yeah, long winded way to do it. but it is how hundreds of motors on girandolas and rockets are fused .

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thats a really good idea i havent made quick match yet but ill have to try making some to see if i can make that work :).

MrB i tried doing this but the fuse seemed to fall apart when i angled it i think my whole is just too deep because i can make the sharp angle go maybe 1/8" into the nozzle but my nozzle is about 1/4 deep
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A 1/8 is you just might need. Have you tried or just measured it and say to your self it's not going to work?
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I just got my fuse in today and its bigger than the fuse i have had in the past i guess its 3mm and im use to 2mm anyway i cant get the fuse in my nozzle of my 1/2" engines does anyone have any idea's how i can make this 3mm fuse work as i dont have access to any smaller fuse at the moment ? i could drill out the hole that the tooling made to make it bigger but then im sure i wont have as much thrust and rocket wont go as high. could i fill hole with loose bp and maybe use some sorta glue to hold it there then just attach the 3mm fuse to bottom of the engine and then the bp thats glued in place could light the rocket would that work ? anyone had similar issues ?

thanks guys


If it's the tooling I sent you, just slit the fuse back 1cm down the middle and peel back both sides along the fuse and put in the hole, if its too tight, cut one leg off, if its still too tight, cut the fuse off square and take your fingernail to the edge of the end and pull the threads back to make a dandelion flower of the end and twist that in to the nozzle clockwise.


You can split or cut that fuse at any angle and fold over what you need to or even J-hook it and stuff it in there.

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oh wow i didnt realize you could do that ill have to play around with the fuse when i get home from work later see if i can make it work. i tried cutting it on a long angle and all the powder fell out of the fuse and was just kinda the string left so i didnt think it would work but ill play around with it later tonight see if i can make it work.

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oh wow i didnt realize you could do that ill have to play around with the fuse when i get home from work later see if i can make it work. i tried cutting it on a long angle and all the powder fell out of the fuse and was just kinda the string left so i didnt think it would work but ill play around with it later tonight see if i can make it work.


If it's the green Chinese fuse, it spits fire pretty good, all the powder falling out isn't at the end that contacts the BP so it's no biggy.

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