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Hey everyone what is all your guys opinion on the website passfire is it worth the 50$ im thinking of getting a subscription .

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It's pretty much dead. Lots of good info that is archived but not much activity. Get a fireworking.com subscription instead. Lots of activity and good information. A lot more activity than here even.


If you don't mind searching and reading there is a ton of excellent information in old posts at rec.pyrotechnics. Just about everything to do with pyro was discussed there at some point, but again, not much activity.

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+ 1 Fireworking will be the best pyro bucks you have ever spent. :)

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There is a lot more respect on Fireworking.com than Passfire.com,the moderation is polar oposite and pretty much all the really good pyros abandoned PF because of just a few trolls that take delight in the pain of others.


My advice? Spend your money on Fireworking.com.

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Used to be a subscription on passfire meant you got an article once a month, and subscriptions only ran if an article was published (rather than by calendar month). But how the forum is next to dead, articles got posted once every 2 months, and now never (I think the last article published must have been 2013 or something) and your subscription ran by calendar month, so basically paying 50 bucks to see a dead forum... a waste of money basically.

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Ditto on what the 4 guys above said. I had a passfire subscription for 2 years. Fireworking site would be the way to go. It's a wonderful site.

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I've been meaning to get a "subscription" on Passfire just so i could go through and grab the articles.

Never did get around to it. At this point it seams less useful.


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Used to be a subscription on passfire meant you got an article once a month, and subscriptions only ran if an article was published (rather than by calendar month). But how the forum is next to dead, articles got posted once every 2 months, and now never (I think the last article published must have been 2013 or something) and your subscription ran by calendar month, so basically paying 50 bucks to see a dead forum... a waste of money basically.


I would love to see Ned buy the contents of Kyles site and build the formula data base up. I personally lire Kyle (Passfire) but I very much dislike his complete lack of moderation and his stubbornness, even to the point of closing Passfire, at not drop kicking the trolls to the curb.


Fireworking is NOT perfect, you still get trolls (we have a few here too) but the MODS do a great job of letting the kids work it out and step in when it becomes a war.

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Yea I'd personally want to grab a hold of one of these trolls and squish the puss out of their scrawny little neck. Then I realized it's a factious creature that lives in dreamland somewhere.

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I wish there's a trial period for fireworking, because after having wasted money at passfire I'm not sure if I'm ready to throw money at another premium pyro site again.

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You will be sorry you waited so long to join! I have no interest in anything there just think it's the best thing I have found out there. It is even more cordial than here and has ongoing conversations daily, you could learn tons just listening( or reading the daily talk)

It's no different than any other forum but, it's where all the action is right now. And none of the silly drama.

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Fireworking.com is the better deal atm.. Special if your are based in the US it is 100% worth it. Really nice and open minded conversation going on there.

If your not from the US its a little bit different, then i would recommend passfire for 1 year just to get all the articles and read through the old forum threads (if you are US based i would recomm3n to doubscribe to both as a beginner). If you feel are allready advanced skip passfire.

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A lot of stuff people talk about in the US doesn't apply elsewhere. For example you can't always have access to the same chemicals, the support isn't the same, laws are totally different (a lot of non US people are flying under the radar) and then there's that silly EU rule...

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You do also lose out on the group buys, which are US centric. Content and information is the same otherwise. As with any US based forum, the knowledge of foreign suppliers is not good.

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A lot of stuff people talk about in the US doesn't apply elsewhere. For example you can't always have access to the same chemicals, the support isn't the same, laws are totally different (a lot of non US people are flying under the radar) and then there's that silly EU rule...


What does any of that have to do with the content of fireworking or passfire?

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Like pointed out by mumbles and taiwan, its not about the content, its the people. No group buys or easy meet with people outside the US.
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Same problem as here then, really. There is a select few who reside outside the USA, and we seam to be limited to a very small set of sources for resources, be it chemicals, or more applied stuff, such as fuses, and / or firing systems. It's a lot of "Came here for the conversation, stayed for... Hell, i dunno. Couldn't find the way out?"

I'm joking of course. But the reality is that EU people are sort of limited. There is a few other forums, closer to home, so to speak, but not a whole lot of activity on them.

At least as long as you are inside EU, and buy from inside EU, it's not a huge hassle with customs and such, just nasty prices, and due to shipping prices bulk buying is the norm.


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I just don't see how your location has anything to do with which one to join first and by not being located in the US you should join a dated forum that has essentially no activity. It is the content and learning to make fireworks which isn't going to change with where you live. If there are things for sale or group buys between members that is just an added benefit.


If fireworks are illegal in your country and/or you can't get the chemicals then maybe you should look at another hobby. That has nothing to do with the better forum (and for a forum activity = better)

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I just don't see how your location has anything to do with which one to join first and by not being located in the US you should join a dated forum that has essentially no activity. It is the content and learning to make fireworks which isn't going to change with where you live.

Thats how i see it as well.


If fireworks are illegal in your country and/or you can't get the chemicals then maybe you should look at another hobby.

Your probably righ... Wait a minute. Give up on pyro? For a moment there i thought you were serious, but i know you were just joking. Nobody who ever painted a bit of heavenly canvas would ever suggest doing something else due to what people around you might think of it.


Anyways... The "resource" on Passfire supposedly is the archive of articles, and since there isn't a whole lot of new stuff coming out there, Fireworking seams to work out as the better alternative.


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Ya been in canada does seem to make this hobby a bit harder but i can get basically everything i need except kclo4 and for now i dont really even need that but there is sites that ship fuse to canada plus kno3 and you can get most other chems/metals you need shipped to canada. i do agree tho it sure makes it harder but to start off really all you need is bp you can make any basic firework with different ratios of KNo3/S/C

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There is some other folks from Canada on fireworking, I talk to one pretty regularly. I think the key is, when you get a chance to get something, you buy a bunch!!!

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basically but i think the only way im ever gonna get kclo4 is to A) make it or B) goto the states and bring it back has anyone ever heard of anyone getting any in canada?

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I just don't see how your location has anything to do with which one to join first and by not being located in the US you should join a dated forum that has essentially no activity. It is the content and learning to make fireworks which isn't going to change with where you live. If there are things for sale or group buys between members that is just an added benefit.


If fireworks are illegal in your country and/or you can't get the chemicals then maybe you should look at another hobby. That has nothing to do with the better forum (and for a forum activity = better)

It's not about legality it's a out what you get and need.

It's very easy passfire has a really big archive of informations and articles.

Fireworking.com has a lot less articles but an active community, but all US based. So if you aren't in the US you can't get together with them. So you have to evaluate yourself if you basically want just content, then lurk passfire in a single subscription or if you want the active community and a much smaler database.

Like a few people allready mentioned if Ned could get the articles from kayle there would be no question about pf/fireworking. And I'm sure seing fireworking now and imagine it in two years there will be question aswell.

But at the moment i feel that fireworking is perfect for everyone US based and allready a little advanced. And passfire a good source specially for beginners.

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