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skylighter's latest promotional email


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I hope they aren't serious... clear a path through snow with thermite?? I guess they didn't see the video of what happens when thermite contacts ice. A few other stuff they suggested with thermite (like melt your 13 year old son's laptop with thermite for misbehaving on facebook) has to be plain illegal.

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I hope they aren't serious... clear a path through snow with thermite?? I guess they didn't see the video of what happens when thermite contacts ice.

Not sure if "snow" acts the same way, but i wouldn't risk it.


A few other stuff they suggested with thermite (like melt your 13 year old son's laptop with thermite for misbehaving on facebook) has to be plain illegal.

Now, that one i'm pretty sure your wrong about. A 13 year old isn't "owning" anything, meaning the property set on fire / melted, is actually the parents own. As far as i know, setting fire to your own stuff in a controlled manner, is legal. The where and how might be questionable, but the concept in it self should be fine.

Then, if all you can think of when the kid has been misbehaving on facebook, is to melt the laptop, then perhaps there are other issues, like, should you really be caring for a child in the first place. But as far as burning a hole in the laptop i think your fine. Not over here in Sweden of course. It would be illegal to light thermite on fire. (mixing it probably takes a specific permit. One that you need to pass a pretty random security background check, at that.) And to top it of they would probably prosecute you with child abuse as well. Sweden is great. The nanny state in full swing.


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There are better things to melt snow in the driveway and attracts a LOT less attention, like salt for example. I'm pretty sure if a 13 year old kid told the teacher "daddy melted my laptop with thermite" there will be a call to the bomb squads in short order.

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Taiwan, I read the email, and it is clearly meant to be a joke. If you read a lot of his other emails, he often puts a funny spin on them. Don't take it too seriously. ;)

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It didn't sound like a joke though... If I went here and said something like that I'll get yelled at in short order for sure (nobody would know it's a joke).

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It didn't sound like a joke though... If I went here and said something like that I'll get yelled at in short order for sure (nobody would know it's a joke).

Actually... I think every one would realize that using termite to melt the snow is a joke. To make thermite self-sustaining you need quite a bit of it, not just a light dusting on top of the snow. Making it very impractical. And if you read more then two of his "letters" you know there is pretty much always some insane story meant to catch your eye. If it's a giant rat, that is smarter then the crew together, or if it's voodoo magic, there is always something.


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Just because you don't understand sarcasm or tongue in cheek humor doesn't mean 98% of society doesn't either.


And yes you would get yelled at because everyone here knows you don't understand sarcasm or tongue in cheek humor, and thus were being serious and an idiot.

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And yes you would get yelled at because everyone here knows you don't understand sarcasm or tongue in cheek humor, and thus were being serious and an idiot.

Oh.... Guess i was wrong then.


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