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Has anyone heard any explosions that no one can find? We had one Saturday evening that no one can find. It was heard over 30mi. It seams to have something to do with frozen ground thawing out. I never heard of this till we started having them last year. Heard 5 then.
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No, but it hasn't froze much here this year. We had a few short periods when a cold front blew through, but each of them only lasted a couple of days. That is interesting though. What makes you think that it has anything to do with the ground thawing? I'm not saying it doesn't, but am just curious what your reasoning is.


This link claims that thawing permafrost in Siberia was the most probable explanation for an explosion which caused a 30 meter wide crater.


Mysterious Siberian crater attributed to methane

Build-up and release of gas from thawing permafrost most probable explanation, says Russian team.

I'd never heard of the phenomenon before. Edited by BurritoBandito
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We get lots of that up north. I live on a creek with a large Ducks Unlimited dam in the yard, the ice pops and bangs all the time, mostly during large temperature swings, lots of them sound like explosions or gun shots. Scares the heck out of my little kids, lol. There have been incidents where the shock waves registered upto about 4 on the Richter scale. I'll see what I can find for articles.


Look up frost quakes, lots of info.





Edited by hillbillyreefer
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There has been a fair amount of fracking going on in different parts of the country. This activity has caused a number of small quakes in and around the areas with this activity going on.

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True. I try to frack a couple times a week.

Shooting for another baby already? Incidentally, congrats again on your little girl.
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Just joking around. It's a funny sounding word. At least to me. Plus I don't think my wife would agree with that number.


Thank you. So far she has been pretty well behaved and is sleeping about 6 hours a night except for the occasional hungry spell. I imagine things will get more difficult but not too bad so far.


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I imagine things will get more difficult.....


Yeah, man. Wait until she's 14....


Seriously, though - congrats. A cute kid.



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Man, that is one cute baby, FMB! Don't see how anyone could not resist picking her up and hugging.

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