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Explosives Application confusion


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I have two different friends that I help each year with their private fireworks displays. They always shoot fireworks that can be purchased legally from fireworks vendors around the 4th of July, mostly 500g cakes. After having some close calls lighting the fireworks I decided to build a remote ignition system and I now have a custom made 64 queue system that I can control from my laptop wirelessly from about 1000 feet away. I have a custom written program with graphical user interface that allows me to put time delays between queues and just press the start button. All of this is great except I need to use ematches to make it all work and therefore I believe I need to have a license/permit. I can come up with a magazine no problem, and I am in the process of filling out the application for an explosives license/permit but I am unsure if I need a manufactures license or not. The reason I think I might need the manufactures license is because I plan on making my own Black Match or Quick match for use with the ematches to ensure my fuses ignite. I think I need the manufacturers license and the user permit, am I correct? I don't plan on manufacturing my own fireworks, just the black match.

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I have two different friends that I help each year with their private fireworks displays. They always shoot fireworks that can be purchased legally from fireworks vendors around the 4th of July, mostly 500g cakes. After having some close calls lighting the fireworks I decided to build a remote ignition system and I now have a custom made 64 queue system that I can control from my laptop wirelessly from about 1000 feet away. I have a custom written program with graphical user interface that allows me to put time delays between queues and just press the start button. All of this is great except I need to use ematches to make it all work and therefore I believe I need to have a license/permit. I can come up with a magazine no problem, and I am in the process of filling out the application for an explosives license/permit but I am unsure if I need a manufactures license or not. The reason I think I might need the manufactures license is because I plan on making my own Black Match or Quick match for use with the ematches to ensure my fuses ignite. I think I need the manufacturers license and the user permit, am I correct? I don't plan on manufacturing my own fireworks, just the black match.


You do not need a manufacturing license to make fireworks (or in this case, blackpowder/blackmatch) for your own NON-Commercial use. All you really need to get by is a type 54 (User of explosives) permit, that will cover you for storage and transportation. In reality, federal law states you do not need a license to make your own fireworks for use on your own property, so long as you get rid of your product(s) within 24 hours of being made, OR they need to be stored in a mag that meets the requirements for it's approval. However, you can't legally transport anything off your property without a license/permit so it's best to obtain one or the other, remember the state will also have it's own requirements when it comes to storage and discharge.


If all you are after is ematches.. just go with what ddewees said and use the non-regulated ematches.. they are really not much different.

Edited by Xtreme Pyro
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You can apply to get the coupons for a one time buy of 1.3 also. Buy the e-matches that you will need for the future and you are set. A manif. lic holder has to have a building of some sort to manifact in, along with a approved mag and the logs books for inventory--yada-yada-yada- trust me the list is long and not worth it just for e-matches.

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You honestly don't really need a manufacturing building, just a "site". This is often as simple as pointing to a vacant area of the property, and saying you set up folding tables.

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ATF around here we deal with says they want a designated site for manufacturing--don,t think a folding table would get you a lic. But who knows. We were required to have one so a 10x14 came in on a trailer and after insp from them they were happy. But every agent has a different view of how the orange book is interpreted. One year everything is fine then next time a new agent arrives we will be changing things to please them.

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That's very true. It's probably best to contact your local agent ahead of time. I know more than a couple of people who have been approved by pointing at a picnic table or clearing. They do eventually tend to build processing buildings though.

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