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Senator Schumer Introduces Legislation to Outlaw Homemade Explosives.


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ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer says he is introducing legislation to make it illegal to build homemade bombs.

The New York Democrat said Sunday that current federal rules could potentially allow someone to make homemade explosives without breaking the law. He says that the Boston Marathon bombing and the publication by terrorist groups of recipes for homemade bombs show the need to criminalize the activity.

The senator says the legal loophole hinders law-enforcement efforts to stop acts of terror and violence. His legislation would outlaw bomb making, though exceptions would be made for businesses with a license to create explosives for legitimate uses.

Specifically, the bill would authorize the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and other agencies to arrest those who are manufacturing homemade explosives.

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Geez.. woulda thought making bombs was already illegal.. no? This is a sad excuse to try banning legitimate homemade pyro among other things, will just keep the honest people honest. Whats next, a ban on dry ice and cold packs?

Edited by Xtreme Pyro
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Whats next, a ban on dry ice and cold packs?

As far as i know, "Dry ice bombs" are already illegal. Just saying.


On topic. You guys have to watch out, or your "freedom" will be all but gone. Oh, right, guess it's a bit late for that. At this rate all you will be free to do in a couple of years, is going to make Muslim sharia laws look like a joke.


To any Muslim reading this, it's NOT intended as an insult. It's an example of the most strict implementation of a moral & legal code. I'm not going to get in to an argument over who's god is greater. You'll win. I don't have a god.


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You Americans think you have it so hard there. Come to Europe and try to make more than 100grams of bp without being in danger of arrest and terrorism charges. What freedoms you currently have,we would love to have here. Fight for your rights before you become like us.
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Take the loss of Liberty seriously my American friends, once it's gone, it's lost forever.

Like Ronald Regan said, (paraphrased) the U.S. is the last bastion of freedom, there is NOWHERE, else to go.

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You Americans think you have it so hard there. Come to Europe and try to make more than 100grams of bp without being in danger of arrest and terrorism charges. What freedoms you currently have,we would love to have here. Fight for your rights before you become like us.

That sucks, but if we just let all these laws through we are going to have a lot in common.

Edited by alexpyro101
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I wish big pyro sites like skylighter would post these new bills as a pop up on their front page with a petition to sign or a way to vote against it. Kind of like how websites were "blacking out" the internet to raise awareness on things like CISPA

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Truly, U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer needs to let go of his tail. Thinking that the great and powerful Wizard of Oz should be the reason for American to change all of our rights into laws that forbids the rights and freedom of the American people that for years we enjoy. For this he is cowardly hiding in the men(s) room. I do understand that not all Americans want to make their own fireworks (or whatever it is they like to do) and there are many who don't like fireworks in any fashion. That is their Rights. If this Senator would look behind the curtain he would see that those few he wish to use as his excuse to in slave us are just criminals and deal with the few there it would serve American better.

Soon this same Sen. Schumer will make all American go to one brand of religion and to save space in the jails if you don't convert off with their head. Really behead those who do not want to be led like sheep.................Pat

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Truly, U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer needs to let go of his tail. Thinking that the great and powerful Wizard of Oz should be the reason for American to change all of our rights into laws that forbids the rights and freedom of the American people that for years we enjoy. For this he is cowardly hiding in the men(s) room. I do understand that not all Americans want to make their own fireworks (or whatever it is they like to do) and there are many who don't like fireworks in any fashion. That is their Rights. If this Senator would look behind the curtain he would see that those few he wish to use as his excuse to in slave us are just criminals and deal with the few there it would serve American better.

Soon this same Sen. Schumer will make all American go to one brand of religion and to save space in the jails if you don't convert off with their head. Really behead those who do not want to be led like sheep.................Pat


For those that read, read Bonhoeffer: A Biography, by Eric Metaxas and Timothy J. Keller, what Pat says is very close to what Hitler did in the 30's.

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OK! I did it now. I just wrote an e-mail to Sen. Schumer and one to my state Senator as well. I know that the fox is in the hen house and it well be hard on all of us to rid ourselves of it. But we do need to start somewhere. If we started to make a big deal out of thing we feel are wrong maybe we could change the politician view a little. So with this in mind I encourage others if they will to send a e-mail to their senator and let them know how you feel, as it is us that they are attacking...........Pat

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Schumer has been attacking gun owners for a long time now. Pardon my language, but he's a genuine dickhead.....even looks like one peering over his glasses.


We make fireworks, not bombs. ISlamic terrorists make bombs and use AK's to murder in the name of Allah. What a despicable legacy to attach to a religion.


But of course it is always easier to go after those who follow the law and then make them criminals by the stroke of a pen......or cleanse the earth by beheading them.


Schumer is grandstanding. Always has and always will take advantage of any tragedy to further HIS agenda. Same with Bloomberg.

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Maybe they should promote profiling and go after the actual bomb makers and terrorists.

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People who are legally making explosions (fireworks, exploding targets, land clearing, etc.) are doing so legally. People who want to hurt people will make a destructive device whether it is legal or not. This law will do nothing to make people safe.


Explosives can be made from many things that people will always be able to get their hands on even if they go a step further and not only have making them be illegal but also regulating common pyro chemicals. There will still be common household chemicals that will be available. The books that tell how to make bombs, like the anarchist cookbook, focus on making explosives with these common chemicals and not our pyro chems.


All this law will do is take freedoms away from law abiding citizens that have a hobby they enjoy or own land and need to bust open a beaver dam, redirect a creek, or bust up a big rock where heavy machinery can't get to or isn't owned.


It's a bunch of BS to make him look like he's cracking down on terrorism. Those law abiding terrorists.


Unfortunately, we don't have a group that is powerful enough and has enough money to fight and stop this. Our only hope is that they will go after BP and the NRA gets involved. Our entire government needs to be fired and new people involved that actually love this country and want to uphold the constitution and are not career politicians that do it for money and power and like getting their back scratched while returning the favor. Unfortunately, I think things have to get really bad for a lot of people before the average person will stand up and demand changes. And it will be too late at that point.

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OK! I did it now. I just wrote an e-mail to Sen. Schumer and one to my state Senator as well. I know that the fox is in the hen house and it well be hard on all of us to rid ourselves of it. But we do need to start somewhere. If we started to make a big deal out of thing we feel are wrong maybe we could change the politician view a little. So with this in mind I encourage others if they will to send a e-mail to their senator and let them know how you feel, as it is us that they are attacking...........Pat

That's awesome! Now we just need to rally the pyro's

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People who are legally making explosions (fireworks, exploding targets, land clearing, etc.) are doing so legally. People who want to hurt people will make a destructive device whether it is legal or not. This law will do nothing to make people safe.


Unfortunately, we don't have a group that is powerful enough and has enough money to fight and stop this. Our only hope is that they will go after BP and the NRA gets involved. Our entire government needs to be fired and new people involved that actually love this country and want to uphold the constitution and are not career politicians that do it for money and power and like getting their back scratched while returning the favor. Unfortunately, I think things have to get really bad for a lot of people before the average person will stand up and demand changes. And it will be too late at that point.

Great points, very early in my pyro days I made shitty BP crackers out of FFG reloading powder. I will admit I did stupid shit with them, but luckily they were bp and not flash or some other shit that could cause any actual damage. I think having BP being easily available is a "safer" way of letting people get a start into this hobby and make their first 'baby steps', and not have young pyros resort to starting with making flash out of magnesium firestarters and kno3 from stump remover, and scratching armstrong's mix off of matches, or some other dangerous shit that they find on youtube.

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Schumer's plan won't affect fireworking - it is already illegal there without a permit.



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Maybe they should promote profiling

You sure you want the state to know more about you, then you do? Face it. What ever the state is looking for, it will find it. It's not a matter of if you did something wrong or not, it's just a matter of what they want to see. Sweden isn't exactly known for it's repressive government, and yet we had instances where people got fired from none government workplaces for the simple reason that they parked their car somewhere, once, 20 years earlier. On a school yard parking lot, where there was free parking, while running an errand. Why was this a problem? Some organization had a meeting in the school, and 20 years later, projected relations with that organization was seen as a problem... The fella never had any relations with said organization, but parking in that lot at that time, was enough to ruin his life, 20 or so years later.


What i'm saying is to be an effective "counter terrorism" strategy, profiling will have to be applied much, much wider then it currently is, and it's inevitable that false positives will show up.


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It isn't clear but since he is a senator I would imagine it is a bill that will effect the whole country and not just New York? In which case it will effect fireworks because all homemade hobby fireworks are treated as explosives.


If it were to pass, any person making handmade fireworks would be breaking the law which many are currently legally allowed to do if you follow the rules/laws.


Death (of freedom) by a thousand cuts.

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This isn't any different than the gun control issue, the only people that it's going to effect are the ones going about doing things legally. I don't understand where common sense has gone these days but i'm pretty sure there is a gene that causes people without it to also want to be in politics.

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Freedom is what it's all about.


This freedom has been fought for before - lest we forget.


The United States is the last bastian of freedom.


Make it so, make it so, make it so.

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The discussion I started in Random Discussion & Chat was in response to the subject here. Just how far will ill informed politicians push something they know nothing about. Just how far is a criminal or terrorist willing to go. I can just see grandma sitting on a beach drinking from a aluminium energy can drink,sewing a vest together all the while while boiling seawater in a large pot.

In the old days someone might have called her a witch if the pot was a cauldron and there was a couple of other old hags stirring the pot.

But back to what point I am trying to argue about. Oh! just one more. Maybe they should station Swat-Teams just outside of Wally-World and when grandma come out with a roll of aluminium foil and a gallon jug of bleach they should drop her right there as she leave the doorway.

OK, the argument again just how far will the politicians take this if the just knew how easy it is to get the materials to make the things that haunts them at night?

I just gotta stop, I am having a hard time typing while laughing and rolling on the floor about a subject that needs a real discussion about it...............Pat

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