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Could smoke from flares be bad for your health?


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A couple weeks ago we were at the beach and had some left over flares, some orange smoke ones and some red flame ones. I let them off and I inhaled some of the smoke from them, now ever since then I am getting bad heartburn and indigestion, I have never had these before. Another friend went camping for New Years Eve and also let off flares and when we were talking recently he said he has had the exact same problem, could this be a coincidence or can flares cause this?

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Do you remember the brand? Might be worth trying to get the MSDS and see what's in them. And go to the Dr if you are really worried about it.


How much did you breath in? Just a whiff or enough to choke on? I doubt just a little bit would do anything and you would need to be exposed to it quite a bit. But some of the dyes for colored smoke are pretty nasty chemicals. But I doubt heart burn would be a symptom. Nausea and flu like symptoms are more common for over exposure to chemicals.


But none of us are going to be a substitute for a Dr, though someone may have better answers. I think it's probably just a coincidence.


How's that for a not very helpful answer.

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One reason I don't like handlighting with fusees is the noxious smoke. It makes me cough and burns the back of my throat, but I wouldn't relate it to heartburn or indigestion at all.


For heartburn, I would look more at what you were eating and drinking. Even coffee can be a common culprit along with stress and screwed up sleep patterns. Of course, more serious medical conditions like a heart attack can also present with similar symptoms as indigestion, so if you are concerned consulting with a doctor is your best bet.

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Thanks for the answers! I think it was more than likely the alcohol I was drinking, it's just that I have never had it before, so my first guess was that the flares have caused it. It's not as bad now and I have been taking some ant-acids which have made a huge difference.

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