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re usable squib for spfx ?


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I love the warining on the TECH page:


Do not ignite these devices while holding in the hand or inserting into any bodily orifices.
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ah ah,

here lies the key................
The S-HAN-5 is conductive and exhibits pyroelectric
behavior (generating heat when subjected to an
electric current) in the propellant.


cant seem to attach a pdf

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I love the warining on the TECH page:


Do not ignite these devices while holding in the hand or inserting into any bodily orifices.

There goes my plans for the weekend.


Edit: Can I reply to this thread, or is it for people named Dave only?

Edited by BurritoBandito
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.....................Edit: Can I reply to this thread, or is it for people named Dave only?


is that sarcasm ? don't quite follow ?


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You and Dag are both named Dave. Prior to my response you were the only two who had posted anything in this thread. It was a bad joke I suppose.
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In the immortal words of Tommy Chong....."um, hey dude, Dave's not here man."

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Daveito huh? Hmm ok, but only if Bobosan changes his name to Daveosan.
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MrD sounds like a moniker for a DJ. You spinning tunes now B? :P

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...I'm not touching that one (figuratively or literally).
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