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Manganese nitrate


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Is out there any way to make some pure Manganese nitrate (from some batteries), and use it then for some homemade mangannese dioxide electrodes for chlorates ?

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Tried snagging electrodes from carbon/zinc 6v lantern batteries?

4 sheets of pure zinc, 4 electrodes and some manganese dioxide.....little effort...

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Tried snagging electrodes from carbon/zinc 6v lantern batteries?

4 sheets of pure zinc, 4 electrodes and some manganese dioxide.....little effort...

This way is works good. The oxalic axcid part is very important:

It is much easier to just buy some electrochemical refined manganese and react it with nitric acid.

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I have seen from Nurdrage some ways to make pure Manganese nitrate but have some chemicals that i can not obtain, so i was wondering if there is an another easier way. Also i do not have pottasium permanganate to make it from that.

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Have you tried looking at stores that sell water purification systems? Permanganate is required for some. Might be the systems to remove iron from water?


Edit: don't know where you are located but Sears carries it in some stores. And I bet a company that only sells water systems will have it with a good reason to be buying it.

Edited by FlaMtnBkr
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Finally i have found some MnO2, nitric acid and oxalic acid. I have also obtain 7 sheets of stainless steel 316 (5cmx25cm) and i am going to use them for the negative electrode. I am now going to buy some titanium sheets (4cmx25cm) and try to make some MnO2 electrodes with the above chemicals. Also i will modify a computer power supply as a power source. I am going to open a new topic with photoes when i will begin.

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I have seen that most of the lead dioxide anodes are made with graphite rods (graphite substrate lead dioxide anode) so i was wondering if the same can be done but with metal sheets like stainless steel or titanium to increase the surface area of the anode and allowing for more current to pass. Graphite due to the rod geometry have much less surface area than metal sheets.

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Sorry ...., I cant either

Not sure where the article is on the production of LD coated graphite . Sorry , I thought I had the link right, Now I feel bad posting it w/o checking 1st

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I believe that it is Allans site that has some info on the manufacture of the electrodes. : http://www.vk2zay.net/category/6

I dont think coating graphite will work if your after perch production .


Actually, LD coated graphite will work, and if the cell is set up right, it can run from sodium chloride all the way to sodium perchlorate. I've read an article where a small pilot plant in India was set up to try this, and the paper proved it was possible.


I don't believe LD coated titanium would work in the same setup because the LD/graphite system used some sodium fluoride which would negatively affect the titanium substrate.


For making chlorate, the MnO2 anode sounds intriguing. If I didn't have so much MMO stock piled, I'd probably give it a try.



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I believe it was more that the graphite coated electrodes would decompose due to the caustic nature of the liqueur. It seems that graphite is not the choice material for the gate metal. It seems too soft IMO. I would try my chances with a MMO electrode coated with LD to get a good "bite " on the Ti gate metal. I believe that there are alternatives to the use of the Fluorides in a sodium cell. correct me if Im wrong

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  • 3 weeks later...

A way to get maganeese metal is by doing a thermite reaction with the maganeese dioxide.It is usually messy when it comes out tho so you would have some trouble extracting it .

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I finally have make a Mno2 electrode by mixing mno2 and oxalic acid and then nitric acid. Note that when you add nitric acid the solution must be HOT otherwise the nitric acid will not make manganese nitrate (65% Nitric acid). They last very good in the chlorate cell. The chemicals i used was lab grade, not from batteries e.t.c.


Now i want to try a Sno2/ Sb2o3 anode starting from OTC matrials like solder wire (95/5 Sn/Sb). It is used also between the Ti and the Pbo2 for protection. Also it is a very good anode for chlorate.


Also a cobalt oxide titanium substrate electrode for chlorate cell can be made. It looks the most easy electrode to make as long as cobalt carbonate is very easy to found.

Edited by THEONE
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