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Prayers For my Friend


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So , earlier today I went to check our Bands FB page and found this message


Noah Linn Taylor is in ICU at Levine children's hospital on a respirator. He has a type of blood infection and they are continuing to run tests. They are asking for no visitors at this time but prayers are much needed and appreciated.

im really not doing to well emotionally right now but all I can ask for is prayers





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hey Steven, you got my prayers. Things sometimes happen too fast to understand them and even then we may never fully get the jist of it all. So God speed and hope all gets better real soon.



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Prayers here too, for you and your friend.

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thank you guys,

Thanks jakey <3


here is the update I received on him


Update on Noah:
Noah is in room *** in the ICU of Levine Children's Hospital. He is in a chemically induced coma and on a respirator. What was once thought to be the flu has now been diagnosed as a blood infection that has yet to be pinpointed. A wide spectrum of antibiotics are being combed through in order to find the correct formula to get Noah back to 100%. According to Noah's parents and grandparents, the ICU doctors are pleased with Noah's response to the treatment and ...are very hopeful for a resolution. Unfortunately, there is no timetable for something like this. I encourage you to post uplifting commentary on Noah's social media pages and those of his parents and grandparents. I also ask for your prayers for Noah and his family during this difficult time. As more information is made available I will post it here and you may do the same.
Mr. T



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Thanks for the update, pyroman. Noah will be in my thoughts and prayers.

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It's unfair that children should have to deal with such an awful situation. I am not speaking of your friend exclusively, but yourself as well. To see someone who is close to you suffer is heart wrenching. I cannot offer prayers, as I am not a religious man, but know that my thoughts and well wishes are with you guys.
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Update on Noah from his mom:
"He is semi-conscious, which is good. But the whole story is not great. He is at risk for pneumonia. Fluid has built up in one of his lungs. There is evidence suggesting infection in his spleen. Ultrasound later to determine. Platelet count still low, but at least double what it was. Going be here a long time."


I was also told something about a valve replacement , but I don't have much to back that up on right now



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