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KCLO4 alternatives in stars


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Hey there. I'm going to put it simple, is there alternatives to KCLO4 for making stars? KNO3 or any other nitrates? Most star comps I find are based around KCLO4 and I can't get KCLO4 around my area,

Thanks in advance.

Oh, and before you ask, I have googled, youtubed, searched this website etc, etc.

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No. The only thing you could replace it with is possibly a chlorate. But that's usually thought of as more dangerous and probably just as hard to get.


But you can make a lot of great effects that are BP based and use potassium nitrate.


Where are you located? There is probably some place that sells it somewhere though most everyone has to order it on the internet.


Edit: usually perchlorate is used for colors but you can also make red and green from strontium and barium nitrate, respectively, and orange and yellow from a mix of the two. Though those are usually just as hard to get as perchlorate.

Edited by FlaMtnBkr
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No. The only thing you could replace it with is possibly a chlorate. But that's usually thought of as more dangerous and probably just as hard to get.


But you can make a lot of great effects that are BP based and use potassium nitrate.


Where are you located? There is probably some place that sells it somewhere though most everyone has to order it on the internet.


Edit: usually perchlorate is used for colors but you can also make red and green from strontium and barium nitrate, respectively, and orange and yellow from a mix of the two. Though those are usually just as hard to get as perchlorate.

I am located in Victoria, Australia. I can easily get Barium and Strontium nitrate but I struggle to find KCLO4 for decent price. I found it on a website but it cost $70 p/kg and over $90 to post.

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There are a few difficult effects and stars to make without perchlorate, but you can generally make due without it if needed. I'd look into some glitters if I were you. One of my favorites, and don't need perchlorates.

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You could try making potassium percolate though it can take a while

Thanks for the advise, I think this is my last option really, but I have found many reliable tutorials. Let the experimnets begin.

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Also there are quite some god possibilities for nitrate based color stars if you go for magnesium as the metall.

But organic fueled color stars won't work with nitrate. So blue will be about the only color you can't make.

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Chlorates are relatively simple to make at home with an electrolysis cell. However please learn about the chlorate incompatibilities with some chemicals.

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Try to make sodium perchlorate then turn it into potassium perchlorate with potassium chloride that method works best for me
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I recommend chlorate as well. It is easier to make with an electrolysis cell than perchlorate. I have a chlorate blue comp that I am fond of on account of its simplicity and good burning characteristics. Purples can be achieved as well.


My favorite greens and reds come from nitrates.

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