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disassemble a shell - how to ?


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Ok, my 4" gogetter shell was a failure, 22 of 23 getters were blind. Never had this problem firing them from my gun in tests for ignition, so I built two.... Sigh....


Is it safe to disassemble and recover the gogetters, or should I just fire it ?


I see how it should be safe, but I also see how I could be asking for trouble for just a few gogetters. I was thinking slicing open on the equator with a knife. burst is BPCRH and 3 grams of tame whistle.


Is disassembling some what common when a problem is known about a particular build?



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Since you know what you put in it,you know what you are dealing with if you were to carefully take the shell apart. If it were me, I would just fire it or soak it in water and chalk up the loss as a learning experience. While I have done it, I am not fond of disassembling live product.
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And the survey says......fire it, and maybe I'll be lucky with more getters igniting.

Thanks guys, I have read a few others that have disassembled shells for various reasons, and I thought that was something I did not want to do. I guess I knew the answer to my question already. Maybe I'll cover it in comets so I get to see something....



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If it is plastic i would make sure it is sealed good before firing.

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Since you now where what is and now where you could cut, it should be fairly safe to disassemble it, but still i would fire it, as you often can learn a lot from a missfire. Also why take the risk? Disassembli g propably takes nearly the same time as making a new one.
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If you fire it in daylight, maybe you can find out more about why it fails. If you fire it over an appropriate area, you can collect the contents afterwards. You could also fire it as a ground shell if you have a big enough fireproof space.

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