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In your part of the world, what do you celebrate that is more important?


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Everyone around the world celebrates with fireworks for different reasons, we know the Americans love their 4th of July, the English Guy Fawkes, and other nations just New Years eve. But what do you find is the most important day for fireworks? I know that some Americans actually prefer New Years eve over the 4th of July. One person I know only lets of fireworks for his wedding anniversary each year.

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I personally think the sun going down is a good enough reason to have fireworks! :P But like many others on here, I might be somewhat of an addict... In my "neck of the woods," more people shoot fireworks on the 4th. They usually start about the middle of June...

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While I like to shoot fireworks anytime (don't even really need the sun down) I celebrate one day a year - the second Saturday in August. I do my home show that day each year. All of the other holidays I'm working for a display company....



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I'll shoot fireworks if the location allows it... no excuses needed other than sundown. However I don't expect to see any since Kalifornistan hates fireworks.

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Here in Australia, British Colony and all, we used to celebrate Guy Fawkes Night (Nov 4th).


When I was a child it was my favourite night of the year - better even than Xmas I thought. Just imagine it, private individuals being able to light small displays in their own backyard for their own enjoyment!! - how dare they.


Unfortunately Nanny didn't trust us, so a swift clip behind the ears was dealt and it was banned in the early eighties.


Some of us didn't like what nasty Nanny did, so we'd sneak out the bedroom window in the middle of the night to run off and light some. Then when we could no longer buy them, some of us decided to make our own :P.


Nowadays I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, wondering what Nanny, who has become ever uglier and nastier over the years, would think of my current pyro activities? Somehow I doubt that her large bruised handmark on my bare buttocks would be enough to satisfy her unrelenting quest to restrict my freedoms.


If some take this as some sort of obscure political rant, well good. Consider this, those that live in countries that are fortunate enough to have 'freedom' should be best advised to hang on to them whatever the cost, otherwise once lost, those hard fought freedoms will not be regained easily, if ever.


So in answer to the op's question "In your part of the world, what do you celebrate that is more important?" celebration of freedom itself and without any religous context.



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