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Hot prime? How much?


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Hey fellas, I use the KP hot/step prime system for priming my stars. The first step is KP hot prime, followed by a layer of bp+mgal+silicon. Question is, how much of each layer do you guys use? Do you use a percentage of weight of stars? I have heard and read different things. Input is appreciated. :)

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Is the binder in the prime, or are you using a dextrin solution. Also for what type of stars cut, pumped, rolled ?
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I find depending on the effectiveness of the prime ( heat + slag formation) , youll need anywhere from .5 - 2mm of prime. I like to use about 1mm of hot prime , then follow up with another .5 - 1mm of bp prime. Most glitters, or high metal content mixs are great for prime. followed by a dusting of bp. The high metal mixs like strobe some flitters etc, will call for a "step prime sys" .

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Prime's weight 1/3 or 1/4 of the mass of stars. I used.

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In general a 1/32" layer of each prime is pretty acceptable. If you have the chens, I definitely highly recommend the Spanish "monocapa" prime submitted by jopetes. It is the single best prime I've ever seen.
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I haven't had any problem with fence post+ bp silicone mix

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