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Slimy stars?


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Experienced something rather odd, and new (to me) this evening. Yesterday I rolled some stars... Tangerine on Strobe cores to be exact. When I finished rolling them, I put them in my dehydrator and left them in for 3 hours. Well, I never leave stars in the dehydrator when I leave the barn because I am paranoid that something might happen.. fire,, etc. So when I left, I dumped them out of the dehydrator and onto my star drying screen. (Just a big screen with a fan blowing from underneath it). They were not completely dry yet, some of the smaller ones were hard but the bigger ones were still easily crushed between my fingers. Well, this evening I went up to the barn to check them out, and they were all shiny and wet on the outside. I picked one up and sure enough, wet on the outside. I am sure someone can explain this... I have rolled countless numbers of batches of stars and this has never happened. This is however the first time I have ever rolled this comp. Thanks in advance.

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Do they smell like ammonia? They might have reacted, blesser strobe doesn't like to be force dried.

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My first suggestion would be that the dryer caused the outside to feel firm, but the inside remain wet. Keep then just slightly warm for a week see whether they firm up.

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It could be an ambient humidity issue. Although my only experience with anything like what you are mentioning is using barium or strontium nitrates. Please post the comp here. I'm sure if it's not a chemical problem, it's a humidity one
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I don't have the exact comp in front of me, but it contains Strontium Nitrate. Tonight I checked the stars and they look like they are starting to dry. Hoping for the best! I will keep you posted. :)

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My experience is that water bound stars don't change much in three hours drying time, 12 hours is a start but usually two weeks is better.


Obviously resin bound or acetone bound stars are very different, acetone bound stars take an hour and I've heard of two part resin bound stars being fired five minutes after pressing.

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