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Largest Girandola ever?


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I think that might be where my neighbors would draw the line.... :P


That was awesome!

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That is amazing! - I like that they took the care to have the final structure float down with a parachute. brilliant.

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It is call a Talai. I am hoping that Bangkokpyro will be showing us here at the form how to make a small one. As far as it is a Girandola well it is close in how it works but is different in its design............Pat

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Sounded like an old steam train engine on the way up.


Very cool!

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They are actually hoop style Tourbillion, girandola use drivers (plural) for spinning the wheel an for lifting them. The hoop used in the Talai, is nothing more than a stabilizer, just like the Popsicle stick used on small Tourbillion.

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I saw the video of it going up, and all i could think was "oh, that sucker is going to hurt coming down again." And then it deployed a freaking parachute. Not nearly as fun anymore.

A lot safer, of course.


Awesome sound to.


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If requests are made I can ask Paul Molder on fireworking to write an article describing the construsction of these "girandolas". I will ask for full permission to post it on APC for interested members. I can not guarantee that he will produce this information for us so please, don't get your hopes too high. Send a PM or post on this thread if you are interested.
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I think that Bangkokpyro is Paul and I have ask him (thru a PM) if he would do a instruction video, I believe that that he will be making some in the coming year at his shop. If you follow his you-tube online he seems to post his construction build from start to finish when he show thing that he does. The videos are long and sometimes a little boring if your not into it. But he shows what goes into making pyro items. Overall I think he does a real good job in his works...Pat

Edited by patsroom
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This year on our April/May Pyro holiday we will be building a large HST, well 6 foot wide, from scratch and launching it at a rocket festival. I will see if I can video the construction and launch and try not too make it too long and boring :)

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Hello Bangkokpyro. Sorry about the long and boring, but that would be only if a person is not into it. I have found your videos to be quite good and have enjoyed them. I have watch all of your videos from start to finish as I find them to be honest as to how to make a item, what is involved and what one must invest as to time and material. So please do not change your videos on my say so of long and boring as they are so honest. I do like them as they are, for the reasons I have given above. And please keep up the good work!..............Pat

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I hope that this is and will be good news. In Thailand the holiday season well be in the April/May months. With some luck Bangkokpyro should had a delightful surprise for all true pyro fans. He (PM) me to let me know what he has is store and if the pyro gods are willing the creek don't rise it should happen. I hope he post the videos here first. I also hope that shortly after the Holidays begin that Bangkokpyro can start posting here with the news. I really wish I could be there and I am quite sure that a few others will feel the same as I do once the cat is out of the bag...............Pat

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