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time fuse substitutes


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hey so i had a quick questions about what i could use as a substitute for time fuse. i have some on the way right now but it should be a while before my package arrives.
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alright thank you mumbles. i need to make something quickly because im setting up a show for my family and i dont want it to fail.
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The great thing about your family is that they are an audience that will be around a long time (ie. whenever your package arrives). Please don't try and rush things, cut corners, and make ill-advised substitutions,* just to meet an arbitrary deadline you have set for yourself. All of this stuff is dangerous. With knowledge, patience, and attention to detail, we can mitigate those risks and enjoy a rewarding hobby. My advice is to slow down and while you are waiting on your supplies, do some research. If you come up with a question, write it down, search for it on here and google. Then, if you still don't understand, post a question. The people on this forum are a wealth of knowledge and are always willing to help. However, nobody wants to help someone that won't help himself or sounds like they might pose a risk to the safety of themselves or others. We want both you and your family safe to enjoy fireworks for a long time!


*Mumbles- obviously a spolette is a great substitute and even a better choice at times, however, in this instance, patience is the best advice.

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The only thing worse than hearing a six inch shell go thud on the ground a few feet from you would be to have it hit someone!!!!!

Without a good forum full of friends, some good books, or an actual mentor something bad is gonna happen to anyone trying to do this on their own.

Be careful and patient.

I guarantee there is nothing worse than watching a family member or someone else suffer because we made a mistake.

This is FIRE. even a baby fountain or a few loose stars can ruin your day! Let alone the big stuff!

Slow and steady reaps great rewards at a fraction of the cost in many ways.



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thanks for the advice its just that its my grandmas 94th birthday and i dont really actually know how much longer shell be around but i wanted to give her something awesome so pyrotechnics came to mind
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thanks for the advice its just that its my grandmas 94th birthday and i dont really actually know how much longer shell be around but i wanted to give her something awesome so pyrotechnics came to mind


Think on this for one moment: What memory would all your family have if something went wrong and that lead to a tragedy? Keep her celebration first in your mind, fireworks second.

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Spolettes work great, personally i would rather see time fuse as substitute for a spolette, but thats just a point of view.

If you fire your show make sure to have enough security spaces, so that nothing can drop on someones head.


Also remember that tbe fastest shells you can make still take at least one week to finish (Exept maybe if you've stars and burst charge finished)

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thanks for the advice its just that its my grandmas 94th birthday and i dont really actually know how much longer shell be around but i wanted to give her something awesome so pyrotechnics came to mind


Ok so you are 18 years old and have a grandmother that is 94? Really???


All I see coming out of you is mainly fuse and flash. Not buying it at all.

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Ok so you are 18 years old and have a grandmother that is 94? Really???


All I see coming out of you is mainly fuse and flash. Not buying it at all.

Mark maybe you should sometimes look at your own comments. The question he asked is quite a legit one and hopefully can be interpreted as "well finally he starts to think about what he's doing and needs guidance on the way", no need to put him down that will just insure that he stays with flash and other stupid things

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What type of shells are you building? If you are building ball shells, you dont need to time fuse them, until the very last- id love to help you get on your way with this, just ask.

Oh, and make sure to give your grandma a big hug!

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It may be better to design the show with what you have rather than trying to find workarounds for stuff you dont have. Gerbs, wheels and cakes are reasonably quick and easy. The effect duration is longer than a shell so they`re good for bulking out a display (time wise).

A big bunch of flowers for grandma will more than offset any shortfall in the show ;)

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Mark maybe you should sometimes look at your own comments. The question he asked is quite a legit one and hopefully can be interpreted as "well finally he starts to think about what he's doing and needs guidance on the way", no need to put him down that will just insure that he stays with flash and other stupid things

OK lets back this up a bit and summarize events.


He joins 12/4/14, he's 18 years old


The same day he starts a "Fuse Powder?" post about making firecrackers from fuse powder. ddewees makes a good point of why make fuse from fuse in response to post #6 in post #7. Then in post #21 he says "actually i had no real intention of making any fuse powder items... im fine off with my materials i have, and for those of you who think ive been posting to much, why dont you just not read them?"


12/5 he starts a thread about 1g cherry bombs. Still have not seen a pic of it.


12/10 an old post is introduced about red flash with strontium carbonate. And guess what? The next day he starts a post about Strontium carbonate. Yea, it must of been a coincidence. But then also on 12/10 he really likes the fact that rice hulls can be used when making salutes.


Then the time fuse post yesterday. He has to hurry up before his package arrives for his 94 year old grandma. This does not make sense to me. Having a grandmother who is 94 when your 18 I think is rare enough. Why would you try to reinvent the fuse when it is ordered? I bet there is cash flow problems here and he is looking for another way. Anybody get an order for fuse from this guy?


Normally legit people start out asking about stars and black powder. I have not noticed any mention of making black powder from him. The whole MO for this newb is off (not right).


Of course I'll be helpful for anyone and always answer pms and such. But there are those that know me that know when I smell a rat I'll find it. And lately I found a house full which are now gone! :)


I'll leave him alone. But if I saved his fingers or kept his skin tone natural over this, it would be worth it every time you call me an ass for this. Right or wrong.



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OK lets back this up a bit and summarize events.


He joins 12/4/14, he's 18 years old


The same day he starts a "Fuse Powder?" post about making firecrackers from fuse powder. ddewees makes a good point of why make fuse from fuse in response to post #6 in post #7. Then in post #21 he says "actually i had no real intention of making any fuse powder items... im fine off with my materials i have, and for those of you who think ive been posting to much, why dont you just not read them?"


12/5 he starts a thread about 1g cherry bombs. Still have not seen a pic of it.


12/10 an old post is introduced about red flash with strontium carbonate. And guess what? The next day he starts a post about Strontium carbonate. Yea, it must of been a coincidence. But then also on 12/10 he really likes the fact that rice hulls can be used when making salutes.


Then the time fuse post yesterday. He has to hurry up before his package arrives for his 94 year old grandma. This does not make sense to me. Having a grandmother who is 94 when your 18 I think is rare enough. Why would you try to reinvent the fuse when it is ordered? I bet there is cash flow problems here and he is looking for another way. Anybody get an order for fuse from this guy?


Normally legit people start out asking about stars and black powder. I have not noticed any mention of making black powder from him. The whole MO for this newb is off (not right).


Of course I'll be helpful for anyone and always answer pms and such. But there are those that know me that know when I smell a rat I'll find it. And lately I found a house full which are now gone! :)


I'll leave him alone. But if I saved his fingers or kept his skin tone natural over this, it would be worth it every time you call me an ass for this. Right or wrong.


im sorry if you think im asking stupid questions, i really am. And no i am not very experienced with pyrotechnics at all. i have a steady source of black powder and am not very into making shells, for better or for worse (i have only made two). If you want me off the forum, honestly thats fine, i just find some cool info on here and im not aiming to start any fights.

If you take pyrotechnics so seriously, then why dont you just focus on improving your own fireworks? Why are you so intent on putting other peoples down? anyways,

im sure your displays are great but i think many people would like it i you would stop making them feel so bad

please tone it down a notch


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I would much rather have you on the forum Zak. With you coming back on this makes it a big plus. There is no stupid question of course. I just like to know that you won't be a statistic to yourself or the community.


I work on my fireworks more than you know, and still make time for you. ;)


I now think that time in service will bring about a better light on this.



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thanks alot mark, I really appreciate it. (Not sarcastic ;) ) the help means alot coming from someone so advanced.
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