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Strontium Carbonate


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What color star burst does barium carbonate give out? is it a blueish hue?
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Your topic says Strontium, and your question in your text says Barium. hehe. Strontium is red, Barium is green, Copper is blue. For the sake of simplicity, you should google the following things and do some reading: Barium Nitrate, Strontium Carbonate, Black Copper Oxide. Those are commonly used as colorants for fireworks. Then there are oxidizers, chlorine donors, etc etc. Google is your friend. Also, up at the top of this forum you will see "Formulary Database". Read all you can in there.. you will learn a lot. And, Skylighter.com is a great source for learning about the chems used in fireworking.

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oh god

Your topic says Strontium, and your question in your text says Barium. hehe. Strontium is red, Barium is green, Copper is blue. For the sake of simplicity, you should google the following things and do some reading: Barium Nitrate, Strontium Carbonate, Black Copper Oxide. Those are commonly used as colorants for fireworks. Then there are oxidizers, chlorine donors, etc etc. Google is your friend. Also, up at the top of this forum you will see "Formulary Database". Read all you can in there.. you will learn a lot. And, Skylighter.com is a great source for learning about the chems used in fireworking.


oh god! sorry i meant strontium throughout the whole thing. thats a fail on my part!
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Also, if you look up at the top right of the page, you will find a search bar. It is very useful as well. You will find that most often, any question you can come up with, has been asked or discussed here before. You might have to dig a little to find things, but I personally find it more gratifying than being spoon-fed.

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If your new to this then I would really recommend you download the book " Turbo Pyro" It's very good to start with. Enjoy the hobby and stay safe. :)

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