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2-butoxyethanol usable for making stars?


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I Just bought a bottle of acetone for maken independence red stars and emerald green stars. When i looked better at the label it says ''ecological acetone'' it doesn't smell like normal acetone. The label says it is 2-butoxyethanol, <10% anionic surfactants. Is it usable for making stars? I don't want to ruin a few pounds of stars.



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Well the solvent itself should be usable, and is inert against magnesium and aluminium (if it contains water then just against aluminium)

But it got some disadcances, it can produce peroxides (this should be a minor problem as commercial products are stabilized).

But compared to acetone it is quite toxic and as you state it contains the surfactants which aren't discribed.

Better use it for thinning paint and get some proper acetone.

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