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Viking Pytotechnics?


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No one seems to know where he is or if he is alright. Members at fireworking have tried to contact him via PMs, emails, and his YouTube account. He hasn't had been on APC in a while either. If anyone has had contact with him, or has a way to try to get in touch with him please let me know. Thanks.
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  • 5 weeks later...

He has been inactive for a few months now on youtube, I think it's time to get worried. Especially because Germany isn't very pyro friendly

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Yes, his abrupt disappearance is quite alarming indeed, and the duration of his absence elevates those concerns.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys :-)


I´m fine !!! Had a lot of work to do far away from my home town. So i din´t had any time for pyro or to post something here or on fireworking ! :-/

Now i´m back home and have some time for pyro again ! :-)

So don´t be worried about me ;-)


Thanks to every one here :-)

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+1 Glad to have you back VikingPyrotechnics.
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YEAH!!!!! We all were more than concerned!!! We thought the worst!!!!

VIKE is back wooooohooooooo!!!

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Good to see you back! I thought you had been abducted by aliens! :ph34r:


He may have been abducted by aliens. Many that are abducted are either to embarrass to say anything because thing the aliens did or the aliens zap the abductee with the forget me ray afterwards. :ph34r: :D ...............Pat

Edited by patsroom
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Good to hear you're ok viking, looking forward to see more of your shells.


I guess now we can all stop with all the conspiracy theories :D

Edited by asdercks
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Welcome back Vike. Glad all is okay. Stay away from that Bermuda Triangle thing next time. ;)

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