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Just has some rain so I fired my first crossette. It was a wolter 1.75 dextrin bound with a end disk on top NC glued and very well taped. Actually I had to tape a lot to get it up to mortar diameter. I used NC lacquer and primed with meal and placed aluminum foil wrapped visco for internal fusing with 3 grams of 70/30 for burst.

It reached altitude and burst into a perfect cross and burned up in the air. As I said lucky considering what I have read about crossettes. It wasnt constructed by the book but it was a success. My thanks to dagabu for his advice.

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Did you video it? Dagabu knows his stuff, that's for sure. :)

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Too busy rn






Too busy running for cover

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Ofcourse it happened but I didnt expect it to.

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The problem with those moments is, that you REALLY want to tell people about it.

But it's too fantastic for people to believe, and we obviously did not expect anything awesome, so we did not film it...


It's a harsh lesson: On the internet, you do not brag unless you can prove it :unsure:

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There was no "we" just me. I really didn't have a feel whether it might explode prematurely or what, so I didn't want my wife around. Anyway, its no big deal. I only have a cell phone to video with anyway. I didn't realize that crossette bursts are so elusive that we need hard core photographic evidence like for bigfoot, UFOs, greens and greys, alien abductions,mermaids, mothman, skunkape of Florida, fairies, Montauk monster, nessie, yeti etc.

Anyway I am only in this for myself. I just wanted to thank Dagabu for all the advice he has given me since I started. Mumbles also, I was not bragging. I said I was lucky and so may never repeat it again thats all. It doesn't take skill to be lucky because I have little actual skill. I read, I try, I experiment within reason but I wont consider myself a real pyro for several years.

I apologize if I came across as bragging because I certainly do not have the right in this hobby. Some others, maybe so.


The problem with those moments is, that you REALLY want to tell people about it.

But it's too fantastic for people to believe, and we obviously did not expect anything awesome, so we did not film it...


It's a harsh lesson: On the internet, you do not brag unless you can prove it :unsure:

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Just has some rain so I fired my first crossette. It was a wolter 1.75 dextrin bound with a end disk on top NC glued and very well taped. Actually I had to tape a lot to get it up to mortar diameter. I used NC lacquer and primed with meal and placed aluminum foil wrapped visco for internal fusing with 3 grams of 70/30 for burst.

It reached altitude and burst into a perfect cross and burned up in the air. As I said lucky considering what I have read about crossettes. It wasnt constructed by the book but it was a success. My thanks to dagabu for his advice.



There was no "we" just me. I really didn't have a feel whether it might explode prematurely or what, so I didn't want my wife around. Anyway, its no big deal. I only have a cell phone to video with anyway. I didn't realize that crossette bursts are so elusive that we need hard core photographic evidence like for bigfoot, UFOs, greens and greys, alien abductions,mermaids, mothman, skunkape of Florida, fairies, Montauk monster, nessie, yeti etc.

Anyway I am only in this for myself. I just wanted to thank Dagabu for all the advice he has given me since I started. Mumbles also, I was not bragging. I said I was lucky and so may never repeat it again thats all. It doesn't take skill to be lucky because I have little actual skill. I read, I try, I experiment within reason but I wont consider myself a real pyro for several years.

I apologize if I came across as bragging because I certainly do not have the right in this hobby. Some others, maybe so.



I believe you Marlin, go ahead and brag away, they are just bustin' your chops. Good luck and do take some video, even crappy video of the next crossette. :P

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Lol.... Did you smile when it went off perfectly?


Yep.... then who cares about anyone else!!!! I'm smiling for ya. Gotta take your wins when you can in something as quirky as fireworks.... about the time you think you got it figured out things start going wrong.

I say Great Job and make some more!!! A volley of 5 would be nice all breaking perfectly!!! on film. That'll shut em up!!!

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Just has some rain so I fired my first crossette. It was a wolter 1.75 dextrin bound with a end disk on top NC glued and very well taped. Actually I had to tape a lot to get it up to mortar diameter. I used NC lacquer and primed with meal and placed aluminum foil wrapped visco for internal fusing with 3 grams of 70/30 for burst.

It reached altitude and burst into a perfect cross and burned up in the air. As I said lucky considering what I have read about crossettes. It wasnt constructed by the book but it was a success. My thanks to dagabu for his advice.


Merlin, shoot me an email, coldfire11@msn.com, I'll send some SGRS to you, make a few with it and tell me if it does even a better job of binding. Also, a few of us here have a new trick for you to make crossettes without any breakage.

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I am sorry, if I was misunderstood.

I did not mean to "pick on you", or take away your feelings of success. Not at all :)


I have been there as well, several times. And I have learned, that people will always ask for videos and/or tell you that it didn't happen.



There was no "we" just me. I really didn't have a feel whether it might explode prematurely or what, so I didn't want my wife around. Anyway, its no big deal. I only have a cell phone to video with anyway. I didn't realize that crossette bursts are so elusive that we need hard core photographic evidence like for bigfoot, UFOs, greens and greys, alien abductions,mermaids, mothman, skunkape of Florida, fairies, Montauk monster, nessie, yeti etc.

Anyway I am only in this for myself. I just wanted to thank Dagabu for all the advice he has given me since I started. Mumbles also, I was not bragging. I said I was lucky and so may never repeat it again thats all. It doesn't take skill to be lucky because I have little actual skill. I read, I try, I experiment within reason but I wont consider myself a real pyro for several years.

I apologize if I came across as bragging because I certainly do not have the right in this hobby. Some others, maybe so.


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if you're only doing it for you, there is no reason to video. i only take video in case someone wants to try an effect or formula i present. that way they will have an idea what to expect. but, honestly, trying to take video of your own work sucks. it's far better to see it first person versus trying to watch it on a screen. you miss the real beauty of your own work that way.

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I am sorry, if I was misunderstood.

I did not mean to "pick on you", or take away your feelings of success. Not at all :)


I have been there as well, several times. And I have learned, that people will always ask for videos and/or tell you that it didn't happen.



I am sorry as well. I just took it as if my word was useless without proof. I should have known you were just kidding around. I apologize. I dont have any bigfoot videos either! :)

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I dont have any bigfoot videos either! :)

Oh for gods sake... All right, all right. Com on over, and i'll walk across my back yard, we'll fix the video up just like i did all the others, so you to can have your own Bigfoot video. Just don't show it to anyone before we do the post processing, or i'll never get rid of all the girls...


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To my knowledge there exists only one questionable video of a bigfoot shot in 1959. If you could get another you would well rewarded! I believe bigfoot is a earth colloquialism commonly employed in 21st century earth vernacular as a form of "entertainment". -- Mr. Spock

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