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Next year I will be running only one Bangkok Pyro Holiday session.


May is the month Wang Talang Nai Rocket festival is held in Sakgeow Province; the best festival of the year where you can see over a hundred giant rockets weighing up to 1000kg being made and launched over a 3 day period.

Spend 2 weeks with us making single and multi break cylinder shells in sizes from 3 to 8 inch from scratch then visit the festival just 20 minutes from our workshop where you can launch rockets shoot fireballs, shells and other fireworks all day till you drop. On the last evening of the festival we will put on a display of the shells we made together during the 2 weeks.

There is a limit to the number of people on the holiday we can take per session and I have just 4 places left.


The price ( see my website) includes all hotel acommodation as much amazing Thai food as you can eat, all transportation including airport pick up and drop off , all shell building materials, chemicals and other costs during 2 weeks of shell building at the workshop, 3 full day trips to the festival and time permitting other trips around Bangkok and Sakgeow for sightseeing. All you need in addition to this is your airfare and some beer money.

Here are a few short video clips taken in previous years at the workshop, at festivals and of a display we did last year for the festival. For those of you who have seen the latest ‘Passfire’ movie teaser the rocket launch clips and girandolas were filmed at Wang Talang Nai festival in 2013 when the Ververka brothers spent 2 weeks at our workshop.


For more information take a look on my website and facebook page


Please contact me by email bangkokpyro@hotmail.com

















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I have 6 people booked now mostly members of fireworking.com forum including Ned Gorski and his wife. I have just 2 places left and we are full for the year. For any of you who want to bring a partner not participating in the shell building side of the holiday we have excurtions and acivities for them while the guys do pyro.

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