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Granulating with moonshine?


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I used to make moonshine with rice, very tasty stuff. I distilled it to about 180 proof. I don't drink any more so I thought I could granulate my bp with it. Would this work as good as denatured Al.? Or would it work at all? I live 60 miles from home depot so it's too far to just go get some when I need it so I thought maybe it would work? Any thoughts?

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I tried granulating with moonshine once, it worked just fine. I used red gum as binder, and it seemed to do its job just fine.


Good luck!

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I used to make moonshine with rice, very tasty stuff. I distilled it to about 180 proof. I don't drink any more so I thought I could granulate my bp with it. Would this work as good as denatured Al.? Or would it work at all? I live 60 miles from home depot so it's too far to just go get some when I need it so I thought maybe it would work? Any thoughts?

As good, or better, if you managed to keep the impurities out.


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Great! Thank you very much guys. I filtered it with activated charcoal twice before I bottled it. So impurities shouldn't be a problem.

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180 proof is pretty good, but you can get 190 proof if you distill slowly and use a Vigreux column. I've had good results from a 1L glass distillation kit, but it takes a couple hours. Not sure the little bit of water would even be an issue. I've heard that adding benzene will cause the water to separate - but then you have to make a trip to the hardware store.

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I used to make moonshine with rice, very tasty stuff. I distilled it to about 180 proof. I don't drink any more so I thought I could granulate my bp with it. Would this work as good as denatured Al.? Or would it work at all? I live 60 miles from home depot so it's too far to just go get some when I need it so I thought maybe it would work? Any thoughts?


Yes, it will work as well as any other alcohol of the same proof.

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180 proof is pretty good, but you can get 190 proof if you distill slowly and use a Vigreux column. I've had good results from a 1L glass distillation kit, but it takes a couple hours. Not sure the little bit of water would even be an issue. I've heard that adding benzene will cause the water to separate - but then you have to make a trip to the hardware store.

i don't see where in the hardware store your gonna find benzene .... if i remember right it has been outlawed in consumer products because of the extreme cancer hazard

you can find toluene which is the closest thing to benzene your gonna get from the hardware store

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I keep thinking it's a waste of good shine to use on pyro stuff. Jello shots anyone? :wacko:

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I like it the way it is. Adding anything might change the taste and I defiantly don't want that. The extra 10% wont matter at all. Thanks for that info. though.

I just used it and it does work great! I haven't videoed the difference between Denatured and my shine but it looks just as fast. It seems to be a bit safer because of the fumes are less with shine. I didn't use any binder in it and the grains are pretty hard. I used my pine and my willow charcoal I cooked, they both are very good. It's too cold to do a baseball test. All I can do is test how it burns. I would use Denatured Al. if I had it because I can get it for $6.50 a quart and I can sell my shine for $30.00 a quart. But I have lots and didn't want to use the gas to get more D.AL. I might be selling Moonshine as a solvent to make bp, never know. :)


Thanks everyone! :)

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Bobosan, I agree but I don't drink any more and when I let people try it they ALWAYS try to drink it strait at 90% and get sick then blame the shine as bad shine. I don't understand that. Do they always drink ever clear strait? I don't think so!

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Well, the first shot is always the make or break ya shot. ;) I don't drink but socially, and then it's Turkey on the rocks....but, on a cool damp evening watching some shells go up, the feeling of a shine shot going down just makes things warmer.

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Turkey on the rocks? Bobosan, you were my hero, but now... :wacko:

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Sorry about that Eagle.


Last time I did straight up, I went straight down and left coon cheese and crackers in a floor heat duct and then stepped off a porch into a snow bank. :o


Ah, those were the days.

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braver than i sir! i can't drink the turkey. it angry's up muh fists! straight shine on the other hand is no problem. i haven't been a drinker in about 16-17 years but a nip on occasion is nice. i have a cousin in alabama that brews some awesome jet fuel that comes off the worm at about 140p...little bit o' peach juice and good to go.


i run my still specifically for ethanol for lab use. distill twice, then vacuum distill from 3A molecular sieve.

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My shine comes out between 120 and 140 on the first distillation then I run it through again to get around 180 proof. It's a lot cleaner that way. Then I run it through a activated charcoal filter twice. It's very clean and very tasty stuff. I make sure no methane comes through be temp. Since it distills at a lower temp then the good stuff. Personally I think after the first dist. it still tastes like crap so I always do it twice. I also use a thumper so it's really being distilled 4 times.

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I keep thinking it's a waste of good shine to use on pyro stuff. Jello shots anyone? :wacko:

X2 on this Bob, we can share. I'd trade the Home Depot stuff for this any day......

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