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What's the Story on eBay Ematches?


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They light stuff right out of the box. Beware of them though, the Chinese say they are non ORM-D and don't need to be stored in a magazine but there is MUCH debate over them right now.


I used a handful of them this fall to launch rockets at a club shoot, they worked just fine but we did do some side by side comparisons of the "real" e-match and found these to be just as susceptible to friction as the "real" ones.


Using the words "igniter firework", I was able to get a few more hits. The price is good enough that we are going to wire up a whole show with them to see what the failure rate is, right now it's about 1% with "real" e-matches.


EDIT: Keep one more thing in mind, if it does not state what the wire diameter is, you may end up with .45ga and not the thinner .50ga, some systems do not like the .45ga wires and will not light them.

Edited by dagabu
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I think we bought 6000 pieces from him last year. They work great, and you can't beat his prices.


If you buy in 5000+ quantities, he'll give you great pricing.

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I think we bought 6000 pieces from him last year. They work great, and you can't beat his prices.


If you buy in 5000+ quantities, he'll give you great pricing.


Nice post! Thanks DD!

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Note the item location says China. Would you need a license to buy them? That would technically be importing unless the matches have no pyrogen.

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The item page the OP links to does not say "no gunpowder/pyrogen" in the description, but other items by this seller says that.


They look exactly like the one (that came with a mortar I bought in Taiwan) I have, it goes off the instant you hook it to a 1.5v battery. It may say no pyrogen to be in compliance with ebay rules but who knows.


The picture clearly shows they have pyrogen in it. Question is, if you bought it, and the seller said "no pyrogen" would that be a valid defense should you be prosecuted for it, if it turned out it did in fact have pyrogen on it (ie. the seller lied)?


Edit: I just noticed the "no gunpowder" ones says .45mm copper and it needs 12v to fire it. So it may not really qualify as an E match, looks more like it's appropriate for lighting APCP motors with the right pyrogen.

Edited by taiwanluthiers
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I'm not sure how often you use ematch, or in what quantities... but I'd never purchase 1 meter lengths. It's too short, and you'll find yourself wasting so much time running scab wire to get everything hooked up.


3 meter seems to work best in my opinion.

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I'm not sure how often you use ematch, or in what quantities... but I'd never purchase 1 meter lengths. It's too short, and you'll find yourself wasting so much time running scab wire to get everything hooked up.


3 meter seems to work best in my opinion.


For a show, definitely! For my little wireless e-match cubes, 1m is perfect for rockets.

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I ordered some a few weeks ago from Ebay, Will post an update on what I recieved. They should be here any day.

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My concern would be customs, these would more than likely picked up by a scan or sniffer dog at an airport would they not? Then you would be in all sorts of trouble.

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The description says "no powder," but the pictures say differently: http://m.ebay.com/itm/100pcs-lot-Free-shipping-1-Meter-Fireworks-Firing-System-E-match-Igniter-/141315651327


Are these just blanks, or can they actually be used to light stuff straight out of the box?


I have ordered around 4000pc of these "E match" from e bay (0,3m to 1m) last year (2014) i have shot around 1000pc no one have failed yet. Connected them to QM and tried several different launching/firing system, no problem yet :)


(Go whit the 1m, the 0,3m is a mess to connect i mortar racks..)



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