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shipping a bunch of stuff domestic


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Say I got about 3 or 4 packages, each weighting about 70lbs or so, and I want to ship it from California to Texas. USPS wants close to 80 dollars per package but was wondering, are there any third party trucking companies who can ship all of these packages for a rate that is lower than the sum of the package prices that USPS charges?

Edited by taiwanluthiers
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Yes and no. Someone who ships ltl freight regularly has a broker who negotiates rates that would be less than usps... but I'm not so sure you could do that yourself.


It sucks, but remember... That's as lot of weight and a long distance... It isn't free to ship stuff, regardless of what Amazon wants you to believe.

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That's international freight... I'm asking about domestic (within the lower 48 states) shipping...

Edited by taiwanluthiers
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No its either. Its what I use to ship stuff here from my store when people combine items. Way cheaper than usps.

They have both buisiness and personal rates I believe. It's what hunter uses also if i'm not mistaken.


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I agree with DD, if you can find a buddy that works at a place that ships a lot or has access to a loading dock that they ship from then Less Than a Load (LTL) would be the way to go. Sometimes if you have a local trucking company they will work with you. It can be a PITA but it is worth it sometimes.



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I'm with Caleb on the shipnex... should run around $55/package. If you're really pinching pennies, and have a way to pick up a pallet from a dock, you can do a pallet and go through freightquote. But that's a lot of work to save a few bucks.

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It's sounding like I might as well try to get a car in California, and just drive the stuff over to Texas...

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I'm with Caleb on the shipnex... should run around $55/package. If you're really pinching pennies, and have a way to pick up a pallet from a dock, you can do a pallet and go through freightquote. But that's a lot of work to save a few bucks.

Be warned that freightquote.com is just the middle man and is paid on commission, they up charge at will and your are stuck. Call some shipping companies directly for pallet prices.

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Keep in mind though, Dag, that Freightqoute has large accounts with all of the major shippers, and so their cost of shipping and your cost of shipping through the same company are radically different. I find more often than not that they're cheaper than going to the company directly. YMMV of course.

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