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Lift problem SOLVED.. video


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As per a previous post of mine, I was having some lift issues. Thanks to the advice here it is solved, as you will see in this video. I was previously using 2FA in a cup taped to bottom of shell, and using 10% of shell weight. When I switched to 20% of shell weight, I didn't see much improvement. So I granulated some 4FA, and confined it to the bottom of the shell instead of loose in a cup. Fired this shell tonight using only 10% of shell weight. I was amazed. The lift was twice as effective as before. I don't know whether it was the granulation, or the confinement, but WOW what a difference. The stars used in this video are left over dud stars that I basically just needed to burn instead of throwing away. They are not great. They are TT to blue and it was a batch that I messed up. I have since perfected those stars. My next barrage of shells that I will shoot next week will have all new and hopefully perfected stars. Ok so here is the video. Oh and I think my white flitter rising comet is improving. :)


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looked badass and nice trail. what size shell ?

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I'd guess the improvement was mainly from the granulation. In the small quantity you are using and speed of the powder, I wouldn't think the confinement wouldn't make much difference.

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Psyco I would bet you are right. The granulation certainly makes a difference when I burn small piles on the ground to test it. But I went ahead and confined it too, not really much out of the way to do so. I read in several places that the granule size makes a difference.. but in my head I did not believe it was going to be the answer.. but it was! Learn something every day! Thanks for the compliment SideGlance, it is a 4" shell, white flitter rising comet. :)

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