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Some shells from our last club shoot


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I brought out a 5, a few 4s, and a 3" to last weeks shoot.




First up, a daytime 5" five time hammer. It alternated reports and red "smoke" clouds. I wasn't very impressed with the "smoke" inserts, not enough contrast.



Next a 4" snail, which lifted low, you can see my frustration at the end of the video. I used fuse powder to lift it, and I guess the 2.5lbs just wasn't enough to confine it. Later in the night I tested a few "lift pucks" on some lighter shells which worked well, and I will be using them in the future.



A 3" draw out. I joked that I don't know why I torture myself by continuing to make these small multis, but they really are fun little shells.



And a 4" color and report:







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Hi WB,

Nice shells ! Yes the three inch draw out is worth it !!! that must have been close to sticking out of the tube.

The two day time ones were cool, I haven't done much with the day powders, but they are neat.


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Those were some really nice shells you fired off at the last shoot. That was a good location, hope we make it there again.

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I've been a lazy uploader recently, but I did get this one from the shoot up.


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Still trying to decide if it was the fuse powder lift charge or precise timing that provided the low altitude bottom shot.

Have to go with the precise timing since you guys did several shells at PGI this year with similar results. :D

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Thanks mkn, day time shells are fun, they seem to look best right as the sun is going down though, not early afternoon like when I shot those. And that 3" probably would have been sticking out of the gun, if I used a normal length tube. The shell was 17" long, before the lift and leader.


:D Mikee, we have been aiming for low altitude bottom shots on some of them. And I think Psyco actually used polverone for lift on that shell.




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Yup, that was lifted with some fines from my polverone. I would not consider that shell under lifted at all. It fit rather well, and came cooking out of that gun! Kind of surprised that fiberglass mortar took it, but it's becoming evident that fiberglass guns hold up damn well to most 2-3 break shells. That shell was only a bit over 7lbs, had it had a bottom shot that was not hand rolled and weighed a pound or two more, I think the altitude would have been a good bit higher. I also ended up not getting 10 inserts to a ring, only 9, so the bottom shot was timed for two more reports than the shell had. I would have timed it shorter had I known that.


WB, maybe try some charcoal or lampblack or something darker for daytime inserts?

Edited by psyco_1322
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