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PGI Ground Salute Line


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I know that several folks on here have been on the PGI ground salute line before. I'm curious to know how far away the spectators stand from the frames. It looks like maybe 150 feet from this video, but I can't tell for sure. It seems kind of close for such loud devices.



I'm guessing the average size of these salutes isn't too big; any guesses on how large the one in the video is? I'm really just curious because my black powder thundermugs are pretty noisy (I think) from 120-150 feet away, and the biggest ones only use 4oz of BP. I think it'd be kind of cool to see how that amount of BP compares in thumpiness to 4oz of flash in a tube.


Here is a string of 3 cannons for your consideration. First one had 60g of BP substitute, last two had a quarter pound a piece. Surprisingly, the noise was sharp enough that I could definitely feel some mild discomfort in my unprotected ears afterward.



Edited by Wiley
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150 feet might be generous. If I am near a ground salute frame, I wear ear prorection. My guess is the average size is about a pound.
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Ah, that's big. Yeah, the thundermugs are definitely loud enough for my purposes, but the guy I was shooting them with is a member of the NPA, and he mentioned that the boom was comparable to what the NPA thump junkies are typically lighting. I don't know what their average size is, but I found it interesting that only 4oz of BP could sound anything like what a comparatively massive amount of flash would.

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I have recently had need to use string bound BP maroons as well as flash salutes, the salutes were small (10g ish) and the BP maroons about 50g. However they made different noises the flash was a sharp noise and the BP was a duller thud. Sometimes it's not just the loudness.

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I'd guess that was maybe about 2lbs from the size of the container it's in. Probably some shake and bake 70:30, makes your ears feel like bleeding if you don't protect them.

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I don't understand why people continue to use 70:30 if it's painful to hear. Sulfur mixes are cheaper, and these devices are supposed to be binary mixed anyway.

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