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Mixed Charcoal


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Hey Guys, I just had an idea kicking around and was wondering if it would be safe or if anyone else had tried it. I plan to cook a lot of charcoal for my dads smoker from various types of wood and after processing it i'm left with odd size lumps and dust. My question is this, could you mix charcoals made from various types of wood to get a sort of designer charcoal for different types of black powder? For instance willow charcoal makes very hot BP but pine charcoal leaves a nice tail. could you mix the two to get a fairly hot BP that is just slightly slowed down that also leaves a respectable tail for either rockets or comets?

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I mix mine quite often....getting ready to 'cook' some local alder. Made a batch with tree of heaven...super fast...

Just added shavings to my web site...


Click on wood shavings......cooks quick and can generally be put right in the ball mill with the other components. Not as messy....

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