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NC Prime for positive ignition


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I just want to share my experiences here:

I am making mortar-shots, out of simple cardboard tubes. I have 2 tubes; 1 is 25mm inner diameter, and the other is 21mm outer diameter. Wrapper with 3 pieces of 2-ply toilet paper, they fit in perfectly :)


Anyway... As propably many others before me, I had problems with making sure that the "shell" was ignited upon launch. I tried different variations of fuse:

- Cross-cut fuse (to maximize surface of the fuse),

- Black Match tied around the fuse,

- you name it...


None of them worked flawlessly every time. So I had to think of new ways, and studied this forum for other people's experience.


And I can now confirm, to anyone in doubt, that NC Lacquer-prime works every time!

I made the NCL from pingpong balls, made it thinner than needed. Then I added enough BP, to make it a thick slurry. And I set it outside to evaporate for about 10 minutes, to thicken it up.

What I do is, I use a brush and 'paint' the end of the shell, making sure to soak in the fuse as well. And then dunk it in ungranulated BP-meal. And set it to dry.


So far, I have fired 16 shells using this method, and not 1 of them has failed.

However, one need to do some experimentation to find the right amount of prime - since that also has a burnrate, before the fuse is ignited.

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Yes. Well, I am not using traditional time fuse, just a Visco wrapped in gummed paper. But I did try attaching black match to a split end, and it failed to ignite a few of the shells.
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Yes. Well, I am not using traditional time fuse, just a Visco wrapped in gummed paper. But I did try attaching black match to a split end, and it failed to ignite a few of the shells.

Well now it makes sense, same experience here, no problems with visco/nc

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I use time fuse, cross match with NC laq. dipped in bp prime for my shells. Seems to work great so far.

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I'm finding lately that nc prime and slurry works quite well. Though I made mine from gun powder (I have a thread on that here recently). It's nice when you try new things and they work huh :)

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