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International shipping for certain chemicals


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Just bought a other new ball mill with lead shots inside, work pretty well as expected. I can make 1kg of blackpowder in 2 days. The 10kg of so called willow charcoal that I bought in the same shipment are just a trash. They don't even burn fast after ball mill for 6 hours.

I'm looking for some hot charcoal powder with reasonable price that ship to international.

I did pm one member who selling charcoal powder but too bad he do not ship international.

Please Pm me if you're willing to sell to me.

Thank you.


*if I post in the wrong section, please do let me know. Thank you.

Edited by gohjiejing
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Maybe you should add where you are living, if you are lucky you also got someone who can ship national that way. Or make your own, it's easy.
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What size of mill do you have? Is the jar appropriately filled with lead? Are you sure your other materials are good? I'm having trouble picturing something that can only make 1kg every 2 days, yet you would expect to produce hot BP in 6hr.

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It does not necessarily 6 hours to produce a good BP, usually it does only need 2 hours and you are good to go.

I not sure about the the size of mill, I fill the lead 3/4 of the jar like how other members too. I did my research too before milling.

Thank you

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Ebay. User 0115busy have very hot charcoal, and ships to all eu countries at least.

2 hours in the mill, more milling might not be so good (too fast).


Edit: forgot to say that it's the pine you want.

You can also contact them at pyro-gear co uk.

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I just pm the user and he is checking for me the shipping info.


Other than that, is there any eBay user selling aluminum powder?

Shipping fees really pain the ass. It cost twice the amount of the original item.

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