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benzolift rocket


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Benzolift is basically 70% whistle mix diluted with 30% BP. Can this be hand rammed or should it be pressed? Will pressing improve performance of BP rockets over hand ramming?

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What does it say on Whichibuggywhip, there is a pretty good write up on Benzolift if I remember.

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Anything containing whistle has to be pressed. Pressed BP rockets tend to be more consistant, you might get little more thrust from the denser grain (more fuel in the same amount of space).

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Thanks. Will press. I thought so. Just wanted to be sure.

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Yes you neex to press it. Also normal benzo is 70% bp.

If you use this fuel, use it in a nozzelless


Not at all true. 70/30 Whistle/BP If you think that it's 70% BP, then you should find better quality sources since that is a poor transcription.

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Benzolift works with a nozzle on the Hybrid / Universal tooling design. Not much different than the Hybrid 2, just processed differently.
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Ok, than i allways mixed up the numbers for benzolift, quite happy that i did so, if i had made it with 70 % of whistle i would going to belive that my shells woukd have made it to the moon (or most likely just blown the tube). After a couple test i had to cut down the whistle to 10 %, just to stop overlifting. Only suitable for <3" but there it does a god job.
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It sounds like you're also using hot, milled BP then. I've seen that recommended more than once, even by people who generally have an idea what they're doing. It was originally developed (mid-1990's?) as a way to allow green meal to be used to lift shells. I never had much luck using it as a break charge. That probably had more to do with poorly constructed salute inserts at the time though.


Whistle/Hot BP mixes have been used for a while in rockets though. I'd suggest looking into hybrid rockets, as Nater suggested. You can also get away with spicing up BP for use in end burner rockets. Either way, I'd recommend only pressing these rockets, and only using tooling. Drilling into these mixtures is asking for trouble.

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Well i used both, the 30% one was made with screen mixed bp according to the skylighter redgum tutorial. The 10 % with hot bp. But since some time i changed over to use straight bp in a small maron on those shells, works perfect, cuts down noise and friction sensitivity.
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