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BP vs gun cotton?


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Hello i want to ask which firecracker will do better & bigger blast

1) fire cracker made of BP

2) fire cracker made of gun cotton (Nitrocellulose)


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this 1 is not the same as that in past i ask about gun cotton and the mixture of chlorate sul & shu

but peoples suggest me to dont mess with that mixture of chlorate

ok i was back of from that mixture

& i even fly anvil from homemade mixture of BP

but this is just a general question gun cotton is not dangerous even not bp but as 4 me making both BP & cotton cost me the same but gun cotton is easy to make thats y i ask

so which thing wins from BP & gun cotton

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Gun cotton isn't dangerous? Weird. I wonder why the stuff i get shipped comes wet then. Seams they create work for me with no apparent reason, and i'm paying them... That blows.


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If you can't start talking like an adult, you'll be banned in quick order. y, 4, 1, u, sul, shu are not words. I also suggest you work on the wording of your posts. Asking which firecracker will make a bigger blast, combined with your previous posts have you on a short leash. No one in their right mind will help someone with your requests as worded who can't even form a coherent sentence, especially with your country of origin.

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