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White flitter question


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Hey there,

I was about to mix up this comp to make some nice white flitters when I noticed it was very much like a flash powder with the KClO4 and the MgAl+Al. I know S makes a flash type comp even more sensitive, so I'm wary of mixing this. Should this be daipered together, or am I good to screen and then cut these?



KCLO4 - 44%
Magnalium (100 mesh) - 20%
Al ( ~0.1 mm spherical ) - 17%
S - 8%
C (airfloat) - 5%
Dex. - 6%


Many thanks, and please excuse the noob questions :)

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Personally, I would screen it, with a 20 mesh screen. - BUT - you should do what your comfortable with. You may want to diaper the first batch, and do some sensitivity/burn tests with the comp. It should be over fueled enough not to detonate, that doesn't mean it can't burn vigorously.
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That's Pirotex2005's formula.


I would screen everything but the MgAl together and add the MgAl afterwards. If you are really paranoid, you can also wet it first and knead the MgAl in.


Would be nice to see your results with this one, I wanted to try this composition for some time but never did.

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1st. This is not a noob question, but a really god question, specially it shows that you are concerned about what you are doing and think about it, keep this going.


What makes this not a flash composition ist you got 66% fuel and only 44 % oxidizer, normal flash woul 3/7, so this formula contains much more fuel.

Also for flash you would use Al in the range of <10 microns or MgAl <400 mesh. But your formula calls for much bigger contens.

Screen it 2 or three times through a 20 mesh screen, wet and work it quite good with your hands.

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That's Pirotex2005's formula.


I would screen everything but the MgAl together and add the MgAl afterwards. If you are really paranoid, you can also wet it first and knead the MgAl in.


Would be nice to see your results with this one, I wanted to try this composition for some time but never did.


Not sure if it is his but I got it from

I'm also going to try the pink, which looks to be more of a magenta/purple, I'll be sure to post up the results.



1st. This is not a noob question, but a really god question, specially it shows that you are concerned about what you are doing and think about it, keep this going.


What makes this not a flash composition ist you got 66% fuel and only 44 % oxidizer, normal flash woul 3/7, so this formula contains much more fuel.

Also for flash you would use Al in the range of <10 microns or MgAl <400 mesh. But your formula calls for much bigger contens.

Screen it 2 or three times through a 20 mesh screen, wet and work it quite good with your hands.


I thought it was very rich on the fuel side of things, but it's always better to be safer than sorry :)

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Stars are cut and currently drying in the shade. I have just tested some of the dry composition and its actually quite hard to gain ignition off an ember. I have a feeling this may need a bit more than just a dusting of BP prime.

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A piece of advise, don't light and throw stars like that. It will get you, and it will hurt.

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Yeah I thought that was quite silly. I only test stars on the ground by lighting with a long lighter or stick. Or shoot them from a small tube.
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MANY stars only perform correctly when travelling through the air, in any formula excess fuel needs atmospheric air to burn.

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