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First try at strobe rocket fuel. Burning too fast?


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So I'm going to make a 1lb strobe rocket. I tried making a 200g batch of Ben smiths strobe fuel. I did use baby oil rather than melting in petroleum jelly. I'm worried it is burning/strobing too fast. Here is a video



If this is too fast can I simply make another batch with more course magnalium and mix the two in the hope of slowing it down. I'd rather not waste my AP is all. I have to make it.


Also whilst I am asking questions, I plan to use Bens nozzle less tooling to make the strobe rockets. He tells me I can't use sali whistle fuel alone on this spindle as it will be too hot. For the strobe rocket could I use a sali as my primary fuel or do I need to use benzo?


Thanks in advance.

Edited by jl88
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Well I tested in a pressed in a tube and it definitely burns / strobes far too fast. In had no spindle.



I made 2 more batches tonight. The first I made with slightly more course MgAl and the strobe seems nearly perfect. Will know for sure when it's dry. The second batch was much more course to mix with the original batch. This seems less promising.


Also to answer my own question you can use most whistle fuels as the booster for a strobe rocket.

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100 - 300 mesh. I have made 2 strobe rockets. One with this slower fuel and a sali lift. One with a very slow batch mixed with my batch that was too fast. The second is a benzo lift. Will test while camping this weekend.
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