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Liquid Wood Hardener?


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Do you guys use Liquid wood hardener before or after you wax the inside of your rocket tubes? I'm thinking after but I'm not sure.

Thanks everyone. :) And does L.W.H. even make a difference?


Mike J.

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Hi Mike,

I have not used LWH, but I would do that before the wax seals the inside of the tube. I have been using wax applied with a bore swab recently and will continue to use it as it seems to make good sense.


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You would want to use the hardener prior to waxing your tubes.

One quick in and out of the tube with a hot swab soaked in hot wax is all you need.

I have turned a few lids that fit on top of the oil cookers for waxing tubes.

The lid has a hole drilled in it for your size of motor tubes and the swabbing rod goes down the center

of the hole and your cardboard tube slides over the swabbing rod.

The hot air rising up from the hot wax pre-heats the tube and allows the wax to permeate the wall

of the tube and the hot wax drains back into the cooker after you swab it.

I made a lid with (3) different sized bushings for a guy last week to fit the different sized motors he makes.




Mike J.



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Wood hardener is expensive. In another hobby of mine, guys have figured out it is just polyurethane thinned 50-50 with acetone so it is thin enough to penetrate and then the polyurethane fills the voids it soaked into. Much cheaper.


And I agree that if you want to strengthen the tubes it should be applied before the wax or it won't be able to penetrate the paper.

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