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Lift charge size?


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Just curious, but what are some of you using (size wise) for bp shell lift? 2FA?? I noticed in some pictures that some lift charge granules look bigger than 2FA.

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I'm interested too.


Can't one just use the fastest burning, very small size? Does it even matter?


I know larger granules are used in big cannons, but I never shoot bigger shells than 4" or so.

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With large and heavy shells, you are better served with a softer lift, that gives less of a shock to the shell. Smaller shells can usually take the punch of hotter lift. I use 2Fa, and only make small and medium shells. 1Fa is often used on larger ones. Then there other tricks as well that some builders use, like maroons and sabots, some use BP coated rice hulls for lift, etc...


I recommend sticking with 2Fa sized powders, in a speed that compares to commercial grade powder to start. The published lift amounts will work and you have a much lower chance of blowing the shell up in the mortar. The scariest incident with a CATOed shell and mortar I have witnessed was at least partially attributed to a newer, hot lift for the builder.

Edited by nater
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I know of people that only use 4FA on ball shells up to 12 inches. Maltese builders use powder that passes 8 mesh. I've personally used all sizes up to and including 2 FA.

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Use smaller lift for smaller shells, ffg for everything up to 3" 4Fa for 4-5" and above that 2Fa. Above 8" follow the directions given above.

If you use a little more lift you can also use the 2Fa for everything but everything up to 3" will require a little precompression of the lift charge.

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I'm no Pro very new. With the BP that I make currently and the speed it burns at I use about 5.5-6g of granules that will pass through 20-12 mesh screens per 30-40g shells. It's taken me a month to make good enough BP to lift a single 1-3/4 shell. Plus all the extensive reading I've done over the months prior to my first batch. It seems that there are always few different ways to things. It's all about trial and error for me to see how and what works.


Hope this helps!!

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That doesn't seem very hot. You need a (good) ball mill and hot home made charcoal. You will have very hot powder with those two things. There is no secret to it beyond that. Other things might work but that is the simplest recipe for success.
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It's a learning process. He's well on his way. The amount doesn't seem all that extreme to me anyway. Small shells require proportionally more lift generally. I don't have a very good frame of reference though for comparisons of quality and amount needed.

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