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Round shell hemisphere


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May I know what size of ball should I use to make 4 inch?

I knew 3 inch used tennis ball but 4 inch I got no idea and I can't search any tutorial at YouTube and Google. Thanks

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I did, he is doing for 5 inch shells hemisphere..

I only can find 4 inch hdpe, so I looking on any kind of softball or similar size.

MMay I know around what size of the ball should I find? Like 3.8inch? Or

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I moved the thread since this in no way, shape, or form resembles a tutorial. More like a spoon feeding. I only watched about 30 seconds of that video, but if he's using a softball, it's not a standard one.


For a 5" shell, you'd need a 14" softball, which are not overly common though available. For a 4" shell, an 11" softball might be suitable. 11" softballs have a diameter of about 3.5", so after build up of the hemi walls, and then subsequent pasting in of the finished shell, it should be about the right size. A 12" softball has a diameter of about 3.8", which would probably end up too tight.

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