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psyco_1322's Experiments

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What I did on Spring Break





I was sick all freaking week. Had things planned to do, friends to see, shells to shoot. Nope. I had some flu from hell. It started as just a stiff body, then I got a fever, the stiffness went away and I ended up with a splitting head ache, followed by a quick spreading rash that felt like a bad sun burn. Then it was time to go back to school and I magically got really good feeling. Figures.



On the other hand, now that I'm better feeling;

Might put up some pics and a quick how-to for a back yard type of electronic camp fire starter. It involves a heavy blast of heat in the form of a torch type jet of fire. Using an AP based comp that is about as easy to make as wet sand. I'll take some pics, might get a video of it in action and let you all know the formula. I had it in my head at one time, thinking oh its a simple small whole number ratio I can remember it, well I was wrong, and now the working formula is nothign like I remember it being. I think I will re-work up a formula using some better AP that I know is dry and clean to make sure I have proper ratios. Look forward to a new bit of pyro how-to.


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