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Pyrotechnic Baby Steps

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Chloride Ion Concentration

In my chlorate adventures so far, all has gone relatively smoothly with one exception... not knowing when to halt the chlorate cell production. When using KCl as the electrolyte, the less soluble KClO3 begins to fall out of the solution once it has become saturated. The KCl is consumed, and as the chloride ion concentration drops, the rate of production rapidly falls. Worse, the electrodes, specifically the anode, begins to take a real beating. Per Wouter, as the chloride concentration appro



The Ball Mill Kit - components

Where is everyone? This is my third blog entry, and only Frozentech has started another? I must not have a life... I'm more interested, I guess, in babbling on about Pyro stuff. Come on, let's see some pics! Having them accompanied by pyro ramblings is a bonus!   http://www.5bears.com/bmk/tbmk01.jpg A while back on the forum, I started a thread called "The Ultimate Ball Mill" or something along those lines. I solicited input from experienced Pyros on what they'd like to see in a qualit



The Crop is in...

And a fine crop it is. For those unaware, I have been experimenting with chlorate and perchlorate cells for a short time now, on two fronts - the first is the well-known and understood production of both of these salts using an electrochemical cell. Just a few short years ago, the only way to make chlorates and perchlorates (the latter being almost essential in fireworks) was to make your own electrode set, and anyone who has attempted to do so understands the magnitude of the problem. The an



Thanks APC!

With the new software fully installed, we now have the option to BLOG! How cool is that? Now, I have a proper destination for my verbose ramblings related to all things pyrotechnic, and also for, perhaps, other topics not necessarily related to Pyro.   Note the title. Be sure to mentally overlay your best nagging Mom voice... "WHAT is THAT??!! WHAT are you doing! You'll PUT YOUR EYE OUT!" Note that it is almost always "eye", singular, not "eyes." I guess Moms in general cannot even concei



Tubular Anodes - Updated!

There are two bothersome problems when you use a traditional strap of titanium to deliver current to either the anode or the cathode in a (per)chlorate cell. The first, and most troublesome, is the cutting and sealing of an appropriate slot in the lid of your cell for a strap that measures perhaps 1mm x 25mm. In thin plastic, it is not too much of an issue. In 1/2" thick PVC plastic, it is frankly a bitch, and regardless of your cell lid thickness, ultimately, the electrode strap will be flop



Tubular Anodes - Updated!

There are two bothersome problems when you use a traditional strap of titanium to deliver current to either the anode or the cathode in a (per)chlorate cell. The first, and most troublesome, is the cutting and sealing of an appropriate slot in the lid of your cell for a strap that measures perhaps 1mm x 25mm. In thin plastic, it is not too much of an issue. In 1/2" thick PVC plastic, it is frankly a bitch, and regardless of your cell lid thickness, ultimately, the electrode strap will be flop



Tubular Electrode shanks - Revisited!

There are two bothersome problems when you use a traditional strap of titanium to deliver current to either the anode or the cathode in a (per)chlorate cell. The first, and most troublesome, is the cutting and sealing of an appropriate slot in the lid of your cell for a strap that measures perhaps 1mm x 25mm. In thin plastic, it is not too much of an issue. In 1/2" thick PVC plastic, it is frankly a bitch, and regardless of your cell lid thickness, ultimately, the electrode strap will be flop



Tubular Anodes - Updated!

There are two bothersome problems when you use a traditional strap of titanium to deliver current to either the anode or the cathode in a (per)chlorate cell. The first, and most troublesome, is the cutting and sealing of an appropriate slot in the lid of your cell for a strap that measures perhaps 1mm x 25mm. In thin plastic, it is not too much of an issue. In 1/2" thick PVC plastic, it is frankly a bitch, and regardless of your cell lid thickness, ultimately, the electrode strap will be flop



Tubular Electrode shanks - Revisited!

There are two bothersome problems when you use a traditional strap of titanium to deliver current to either the anode or the cathode in a (per)chlorate cell. The first, and most troublesome, is the cutting and sealing of an appropriate slot in the lid of your cell for a strap that measures perhaps 1mm x 25mm. In thin plastic, it is not too much of an issue. In 1/2" thick PVC plastic, it is frankly a bitch, and regardless of your cell lid thickness, ultimately, the electrode strap will be flop



Tubular Anodes - Updated!

There are two bothersome problems when you use a traditional strap of titanium to deliver current to either the anode or the cathode in a (per)chlorate cell. The first, and most troublesome, is the cutting and sealing of an appropriate slot in the lid of your cell for a strap that measures perhaps 1mm x 25mm. In thin plastic, it is not too much of an issue. In 1/2" thick PVC plastic, it is frankly a bitch, and regardless of your cell lid thickness, ultimately, the electrode strap will be flop



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