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Submission of New Compositions


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This section was created for poster who have developed and tested their own pyrotechnic compositions. They may vary from rocket propellants, fountains, smoke, bursts, lifts, stars, etc. You may submit new comps by started a new thread named after your star, fountain, or whatever. Compositions repeating the same name will be followed by a "#1", "#2", "#3", and so on. Any submitions should include the following:


Name of composition:

Composition Type:



The Composition: (by weight)

Any Precautions/Incompatabilities:



Pictures and/or videos are encouraged.


After any compositions have been submitted they could be tested by other members.


This is not for asking question about comps(starting new threads for them I mean) nor is it for explosives. If you make up am entirely new chemical explosive post it in the HE section anyway.

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