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Daytime pyro


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We've all seen the spectacular, colorful breaks found in these shells. At least in video i hope. (forward to about 55 seconds)



My question is about the colors. Would these powders be around the right idea?




Same kind of stuff they use in the "color runs"

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They are corn starch based so may act as a cremora rather than a color burst. Ned said he was making some shells for a daylight baby reveal using colored chalk. I do like the color selection on that site though and hope they would work.

Edited by OldMarine
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There are quite a number of "daylight" effects besides just colored smokes. We made an entire line of Mg/Al-brightened comets in all the standard colors that were suitable for daytime displays. Sure, they're a little 'washed out' from the extra metal, but in daylight, it's more important that the audience SEE them clearly than for them to appreciate the purity of color.


Of needs, they require to be fairly large, in order to emit enough light to be well-visible. Our smallest was 38mm in o.d. (just short of square in height).


Also, audible effects such as crackle mines are effective for daytime displays, as are 'plain' salutes.



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Independence Red or Green if you use Barium Nitrate show up well in the daytime. I remember someone making a nice multibreak with black smoke stars and one of the bright red comps that is public.I didn't have much luck with the black smoke stars doing anything except explode.
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Patrick i had toyed with the idea of giving this a test run with the red n blue carpenter line chalk i have stashed in the shed....Just leaves me wondering if any vendors have chalk dust in the brighter colors.


Lloyd i spoke with Jim Widman yesterday about obtaining a backup of the wasp software and mentioned to him how i have enjoyed working with the phenolic resin. He replied that the software was available online and he would email a link and include a comet comp high in mgal and resin. He said it was bright like that. Wonder if it is likewise suitable . I'll share results as always when available .


Nater that's Mitch Piatt (sp?) you're talking about. Wonderful shell!!

Edited by rogeryermaw
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I'm guessing that was a naphthalene black comp in there. Very nice shell but Mr. Mitch doesn't do them otherwise from what I've seen

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Yes, those are naphthalene smoke comets. If he only made that one, I wonder if it was just something he wanted to try or if there is some other reason to not tackle it again. I know some pyros who simply enjoy moving on to other challenges instead of making things they have already made.
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Yes, those are naphthalene smoke comets. If he only made that one, I wonder if it was just something he wanted to try or if there is some other reason to not tackle it again. I know some pyros who simply enjoy moving on to other challenges instead of making things they have already made.

Just figured out who you are on FW! Derp! Should have made the connection before. Keep us up to date on the black smoke stars!

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I'm pretty sure that is not the only one he's made. He shot one at Gillette also.


It seemed like everyone who was trying to copy it, was having the same problem. I would try over fueling the comp from the start ( using excess naphthalene ) to counter act the problem. Or add a small percentage of another fuel to slow it down some.

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It's just common sense. Make the star comp and stars normally. Don't heat the stars when you dry them. Don't let the shell sit around.

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