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strontium salicylate


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Is it possible to synthesize at home? Would it even whistle? I have a vague idea of how sodium and potassium slicylates are made and im just wondering if it can be repeated with Sr or even Ba carbonates? Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.

Thanks NJ

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Yes it can be prepared at home, but no it does not whistle. It can be prepared from salicylic acid and strontium carbonate or hydroxide. Heating the reaction helps to both drive the reaction and make the salicylic acid more soluble. It forms hydrates, and will need to be dried and dehydrated afterwards. It loses it's waters of crystallization at around 350F.

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Thanks mumbles, bummer it wont whistle. Any idea of its capability as a rocket fuel? If Its sodium counterpart is any idea of its burn speed then id still be intrested in making some, if not, then I will find some other project to tinker with. Edited by NeighborJ
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I bet it makes great red stars. I honestly have no idea how well it'd work as a rocket composition. These sorts of things will usually fly, but tend to be a little less zippy than their sodium or potassium counterparts.


Also for full disclosure, the not whistling is not something I've verified or know of experimentally. It's based off of strontium benzoate not whistling though. I should have said that it probably wont whistle.

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