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Sawdust Mines


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Got off on a wild tangent and thought id share some fun mines : I used a metal Folgers coffee can , 50+ grams of 4f bp and some Ti or other metal to aid ignition . Sawdust was from a job site ( skillsaw) . Ignition was a ematch .

Quite impressive for a small mine .

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Go bigger on the charge of creamer. smaller charges tend to get washed out by the bp + metal. Ya These are a nice effect . Fortunately if you use a rich fuel it hides the bp charge flash. I like using large foldgers cans for the smallest ones . 5 gal buckets are a real hit.

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They are tinker toys for me normally Jig. I shoot a fair amount of liquid fuel mines that I can control a lot more. I shoot then fairly often with Bill Corbett and it's difficult to convince him they don't have to be that big. So small projects are fun for me. Then again I'm not one to talk sometimes. I wiped out 110 gallons of methanol in a couple of seconds on two cues last year with ghost mines.


This is one of my tinkerings at a friends over the summer. I assumed he had some BP for lift. I ended up being wrong. This was shot number four dialing in Pyrodex so I could lift some fuel. Shot three was almost as good as this, but I didn't like the mushroom shape of it so I went to four on testing.


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