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firing systems for shows


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So im in need of a firing system to lug around with me to all the different shows im going to going to in the next few months. Im not looking to have somthing i can shoot a musical on , just somthing that will suit me wel when its needed.

Water resistance would be nice since weather here is never predictable

Not $600 as i dont have a bunch of money to blow as i have no stable income (Pyro is my only job ATM )


I have thought about the cobra but cant see spending that much money on it at the moment

here is what i am looking at






the 12 cue is great but the only down side is it has no weather protection.


32 cue is great , it has weather protection and a nice seahorse case but its almost $350 with the charger.


If anyone has any more they would like to suggest im up for it


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I have a cheap Chinese 12 que unit that has 3 separate units. I just put them in a Ziploc baggie if the weather looks iffy. I only do backyard shoots so it serves me well.
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What capacity will the system be used in? Real pyro companies spend many thousands of dollars on their firing equipment, and the lack of fail-safe measures, redundancy, and component durability present in cheaper options represents a real liability when shooting displays professionally.



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So I've got the remote firing system E 32 and love it. Its all I need for my backyard shows. Dewey is helpful, accessible and just a good guy to deal with.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You could go with the 12 cue, and buy a Seahorse case to put it in. It should run maybe 35 bucks shipped to you. Just get the one with the foam, and then all you have to do is figure out a way to get the antenna to the outside of the box.

Edited by Limpy
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I've used "Kingdom" 20 channel radio remotes for shows but they don't work scripted shows to music, nothing cheap does because they usually have a 500 -700milli second firing delay. However they do work well for non scripted displays.


For fully scripted shows I use Fire By Wire -a UK product with designer and launcher software to provide music and synchronised cues. Not cheap but good. www.firebywire.co.uk

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Pyroman, It sounds like you'd be happy with a 32 que unit from remotefiring systems that you posted. Dewey is good to answer your questions and the unit is easy to use. The "e" has a port for external 24 volt use. The 32e is what I have and what I'd suggest. Joe

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  • 2 weeks later...
If funds are tight you might think about the insurance of upgrading the case to a pelican or flame resident covers for the seahorse. The seahorse seem fairly prone to melting. I've not experienced it yet but have seen a fair amount of Cobra modules melted in one.
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Nooo... not the cobras ;)
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100m of 8 core alarm cable will let you matrix to 16 cues with 16 diodes -should be no more than £100 $125. 100m of nice flexible YY cable would be much easier to handle but a little more expensive. I really do like wire!

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  • 2 months later...
Just got my spark fire and I love it and Dewy is a very awesome person A++++ guy and seller !
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm enjoying the Cobra system. Like the idea of being able to add to it in the future. I also like that its user serviceable.

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I'm enjoying the Cobra system. Like the idea of being able to add to it in the future. I also like that its user serviceable.


I started with the R2 remote and three modules. Upgraded all three modules to use the LiPo batteries and bought a 4th module. The expandability and user serviceability are awesome.

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